What do you hate?

Beer Thirty

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Tim, if you stop posting dis/misinformation, I won’t keep posting the factual data, including videos, and statements from the Governor of NY stating “The US-Mexico border is too open”.

I guess you prefer to ignore all of the intel I have provided. That’s fine, as that’s what some people prefer. Intentional ignorance of the truth. I can’t help you with that.

I would recommend you actually watch some of the videos above, but, you won’t. I wish you wouldn’t post anymore mis-disinformation, but, you will.

I seriously doubt that, but, we will see. Perhaps you should research “Got aways”, but, you won’t.

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Seeing UK politics being distracted by racist personal agendas which inhibit governing a country (I have covered the laws and regulations regarding protesting in London with my usual level of excessive detail before. I have added Mark’s comedic interpretation below - it also covers most of the basic points of the relevant laws [Though it doesn’t cover all as it reflects the law from over a decade ago]).

Also, in addition to this, the risk of America siding with all Hitler stood for and one candidate repeatedly parroting his words and sentiments.

When I have to rely on a clip from a Star Wars prequel - I do wonder if any deity would still bother with humanity.


I’m not using any source. I’m completely ignorant about what’s going on.
As is everybody else!
Only difference is that my head is not fogged up with conflicting information, or things that have nothing whatsoever to do with my life.
I’m planning to get very old so I can enjoy this house for a very long time.
Skipping the ‘news’ is a good way to start.
Getting worked up about things I have no control over is not very good for my health.
I will read a book instead.


Remember folks, Decolonization is the goal as written and talked about.

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is the ADL like this at all @SessionDrummer ?

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I have to go back to the old house for the final inspection this afternoon. They told me I had to remove screws and nails that were still there, I didn’t have to plug up the holes.
When I looked rather surprised when I heard this, I was told they were still going to rent the place out for a few months.
They can’t leave it empty over the holidays, it will be squatted if they did.
Then why do they chase the permanent residents out before the holiday.
Maybe because unlike permanent rent, temporary rent is not bound by law. Whatever a sucker is willing to pay is what goes.
Funnily enough, I was told that the cute wooden coat hanger on the door could remain.
I took that.

Anyway, I’m not looking forward to going there. I was there yesterday to throw out some stuff that was still there.
I only realised how much I hated going there when I got back.
When my bowels start acting up, I know I’m stressed. That is to say, more than usual.
I’ve been told I’m constantly stressed, I just don’t notice

That’s one good thing about the Rubik’s Cube. It stops my head from running away with me and is also a very good replacement for biting nails.
Two more hours and this is all behind me and I will never have to go back.
I went there on the electric bike yesterday. The first time I’ve tried it since I bought it.
I’ve been too tired.
I was there in no time at all. Just have to get used to peddling differently. I’m used to putting some power behind it.
That’s not necessary at all. I will have my second ride today.


That’s why you leave a turd in the resevoir of the toilet, so when they flush all they get is smelly poop water in the bowl


When my bowels act up my dear, there are no turds involved.
It comes out like smelly poop water.

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even better


Well, seeing as though it’s the “Day Before”, I decided to get the SUCK SUCK out of the way, and started with the dreaded Bottle Cleaning …

That’s actually the THIRD load before you all go thinking, “Awww come on man, that’s a teeny tiny pile of bottles”. Hehe, well that wasn’t SUCKY enough, so since my wife’s laptop was dropping black screens of death regarding a failed battery, I thought it might suck to replace THAT while I was at it, hehe …

Of course, with most new, slimline laptops, you can’t just “Click and Drop” the battery out like yesteryear, you’ve gotta open it all the way up. Luckily, no screws were lost, and the little sucker WAS puckered up pretty good …

NOW, that surely wasn’t ENOUGH suck, right ?? Correct. I KNEW my main (review) laptop had a fragged out cell, as it was putting pressure on my trackpad, making doing reviews a real PITA, and I just kept putting it off. Well, Bring ON the Suck Baby !!!

It was actually worse than I thought, and all three of the cells, were bulging …

I think NOW, I have had ENOUGH suck suck for today, and now will locate the b33r.


Moving at this time of year is never fun - we should be getting cosy and embracing Hygge. I’ve done it a few times myself and I am imagine the strain when I’ve been alone for my birthday, Christmas and New Years in foreign countries.


Explaining basic logical to managers I have to encounter.

I’m now going through adding my stash and recipes - I didn’t realise that my Flavorahs got to 125. Oh, @SessionDrummer could you resend how to upload things - Sadly that got lost in a miasma of matters to address: Confession and counselling can entail shredding - physical and digital.

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Thank you my brother with better hair.


Having a day with Black Friday sales emails every 5 minutes.

I just ordered some of my basics - Foundation concentrates (and NETs for others) for the core of all variants around the core of my esoteric tobacconist style.


Fuck David Attenborough:

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Is that an expletive, interjection, admission, aim, or order?

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You know that I disregard videos without context as answers to any point.