What do you hate?

As Eddie Vedder said it was written at a time it took that long to load and fire a weapon there was plenty of time to think about whether it was the right course of action!

yep, worked that out a while back!

The right to bare arms works just fine. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor they pondered a land invasion of the Pacific coast. They thought better to not invade The US . The reason? All the guns the people of the US owned to form militias.
That’s more than I can say about Eastern Europe.

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But photos of your vehicle and sound systems etc have?

The United States hasn’t had an open border with Mexico since the early 1920s


Posting that makes you guilty of misinformation apparently:

After Pearl Harbor, did the Japanese refrain from invading the mainland United States because they feared there were gun-savvy Americans in nearly every home?

That’s the claim of a 20-paragraph post on Facebook that has been shared more than 21,000 times.

The post argues that America is safe from invasion because of gun-owning hunters. It starts its historical claim by stating:

“After the Japanese decimated our fleet in Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941, they could have sent their troop ships and carriers directly to California to finish what they started. The prediction from our Chief of Staff was we would not be able to stop a massive invasion until they reached the Mississippi River. Remember, we had a 2 million man army and war ships in other localities, so why did they not invade? After the war, the remaining Japanese generals and admirals were asked that question. Their answer…they know that almost every home had guns and the Americans knew how to use them.”

This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

It’s not a new claim. In a video posted in 2012, Ed Emery, a Repubican state senator from Missouri, claimed that it is known that Japan was deterred not by America’s armed services but because “every American was armed.”

Four experts told us there is no evidence that Japan ever seriously considered such an invasion and that military limitations, not Americans armed with hunting weapons, were the reasons why.

I don’t do Facebook because they they lie like a rug. My info came from the horses mouth. From one of the Japanese generals that made the decision. He was one of last alive. Sorry but it was true.

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that wasn’t from Facebook, but about a post on facebook that can be found on several sources

What was this Japanese generals name? It doesn’t matter how much I search online I can only find it’s rubbish, but maybe if I had the generals name to search I will find something more concrete.

Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry

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Here’s something EVERYONE can get behind. Bottle cleaning day …

Somehow I missed this one @rcleven, and you are 100% correct.


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Wow that shit went sideways quick ffs. I can honestly say yes “ america has a gun problem” @Timwis but that problem is all the illegal guns in the hoods and ghettos. There as just as many unregistered firarms as there is registered. See the thing is it doesnt matter of you restrict or tighten gun laws you can always get guns. The easiest way is to have 10 friends order parts to one gun and you just put it together. I have always believed every state should require a mental health evaluation before guns are handed out. In some states you can ealk in any gun store or pawn shop and walk out 10 min later with a gun by just running your social for felony’s. And there are too many mental people with guns. And those lead to mass shootings. Everyone was a person with mental health issues. But i get what you where saying and trying to say

As for isreal and gaza who fking cares. It doesnt effect anyone anywhere else. They been in a holy war since the beginning of time. Nothing will ever change. I dont get involved in anything that doesnt effect me. When war comes to my doorstep then ill get involved until then let them kill each other. Make for a better more peaceful world.


Don’t forget that you guys will probably be getting Palestinians soon too, I some how suspect they will be mostly men though.

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We’ve already got them, and probably Hezbollah, and a few others @JoelSq. Through the “closed” border that is.

Edom and Amalek.

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Think this will entice people to join the military?

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Wait, whut ?? !!!

20,000 border control, quadrupled since the 90’s making it one of the most patrolled borders in the world, you kept using the words open border, that’s factually wrong, The UK is an island but even our racist far right including right wing politicians report the same sort of stuff to take the focus off the real issues!

I find it amazing how many posts on this forum are about mainstream media don’t report the truth and they can’t be trusted so which is it, do they just report what they want people to believe or are all the other posts bollo%ks all of a sudden. I will give you two minutes to answer that else won’t even respond to future posts, I am far too busy!

2 minutes up. things to do!