I kept a dozen chickens as a young boy, and sold eggs to the neighbors. I must say though, I was never able to train them to lay their eggs neatly in the carton, like yours @angenz
Hehe, VERY nice @angenz. FIRST good laugh of the day over here.
Steamy romance author former respiratory therapist.
He’s cute brother.
Maybe we should get my niece and your grandson together for a play time!!
New Pic…
Jelly Bean is growing!! Trying to sit up now, and loves to play with her feet haha!!
Cute aswell
A little bit of a long distance relationship there… LOL
Too cute!
Super cute @SmokyBlue !!!
She sure is growing like a weed!! heck… long distance sometimes makes the very best of friends
So it’s your fault I smell shit when I’m sitting on the toilet! Seriously? You had to put it directly under my nose?
Oh, and I can blame you for creating the person who thought it’d be a good idea to put a fan above my head in the bathroom. Just in case that stench was too heavy to rise to the occasion(al) courtesy sniff, while writing a shitty letter to the president.
I live off of my pension, SS, investments…etc. I guess you could say I “live”, but I don’t do anything to earn it. Been a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer since '93. started a Cyber Security firm in '01, sold it in '08 and haven’t done a damn thing of “value” since. Hahahaha. Get it? That’s what you call a BAD pun.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I have a dog I should have named Pun.