Well, after 81 years, I still have nothing to brag about. 'Cept my wife. And kids. And grand kids. And great grand kids.
I know we’re not supposed to play favorites, but my youngest grandson is is great! (Don’t pardon the bad pun) Hmmm. I should have named one of my dogs, Pun. He’s a bad one.
Currently 8-years-old. His family lives in Michigan, and we’re in California, so we don’t see them much. Last time I saw him, he’d just turned 6. Named all the planets in order. When he came to Pluto he said, and I quote, “When it comes to Pluto it may or may not be a planet depending on who you ask.” Scary smart!
Let’s see… Ran away from home in the 10th grade due to a mother with whom I didn’t get along. Worked in a factory from 1961 to 1985. Got my first PC in something like 1981 and fell in love. Ran one of the biggest Bulletin Board Services (BBS) in West Michigan. 'Till the freaking Internet came and ruined it all.
Got canned from the factory for getting Carpel Tunnel. Friend from the BBS community was an attorney so we sued the factory. I wanted 20K so I could go for some computer training. They offered 5K. I said, now I want 35K. They offered me 17K. I said I now want 50K. They said, got it. 50K it is.
Became a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer in '93. Then I found Linux. No GUI yet. Friend of mine wanted to communicate via IRC. Downloaded it and installed it on my linux box. Had to compile apps back then. (Still do often times) Fired it up and was asked for my root password. Didn’t even think about it and entered it.
I could hear my hard drive going to town, the LED solid red. ??? Thought I. Closed the app and did ls (Shows files and folders) Unknown command. Rebooted the machine. Bad or missing command interpreter. Drive got formatted.
2001 opened a cyber security firm. Tested business to see if they were vulnerable to hackers. Only found 1 company I couldn’t get into. Jerks didn’t tell me they had no email, web or database services. Didn’t charge them.
By the time I sold it I had 14 employees including 2 salesman. Retired in '08. 2 whole years early. Could have retired earlier, but I was having too much fun.
Now? If you can’t tell I’m bored… And you know what? I still hunt and peck.
Hate typing. Learned how to spell and (some) punctuation via Microsoft Word.