I am just posting this so I can SEE, see. Sometimes I need to see the layout again, so I can make suggestions…
I’m not able to find Butter-SSA in the dropdown, when trying to add to a recipe. It show’s up in both the ML, and my stash…
type in “butter s” it works
Tried everything but that, lol. Maybe @woftam would be willing to touch that up, when he get’s a minute?!
I’ll up the results to 20
Uh oh what did I do? Did I break the VC Calculator?
TinyMCE stopped working, so now I gotta shut it down tomorrow.
I’m currently rebuilding on DEV, hopefully its back up by the end of the weekend but no promises
I have no idea what the tiny MCE or DEV are. LOL luckily I’m going to be cracking open a new bottle of DL Lemon Tart . I’ve never had it. So I’ll be doing some testing and working on breaking it down for a few weeks.
2 posts were split to a new topic: DL Lemon Tart
Don’t know if this has been reported yet (sorry, I probably should have checked), but when adding a new flavour, the little list of suggested flavours don’t pop up anymore.
I haven’t even touched that…
Fixed, thanks for the report
Known Bug
Recipes mixable again
@Grubby was just checking out the STELLAR changes/updates/fixes to the VCC, and took a look at a flavor review, and it appears as if it is offset deep over the left margin. Verified present on both Firefox, and Chrome.
This is not localized to just this one flavor.
Thanks! I’m on a laptop and it always looks ok. I should invest in a monitor
Those shots were from my HP Elitebook w./ 17" screen @ 1080p. Not sure what caused it, but I did catch it.
Lack of a container, should be fixed now, can you check please