Today is my 3 year no stinkys anniversary, big thanks to you all for your help, support, humor, love and friendship, best thing I ever did was stop smoking cigarettes, I would have been lost without you all. Cheers!
Happy cake day brother well done
Thank you man
Well done Grubster! Tomorrow will be my two year anniversary
. Joint party?
a party with Joints??..
I am down
congrats Grubster 🖒
Happy anniversary Grubby!!
Bravo, Sir Grubby! Bravo!!
Made me think of the road that @Grubby has made paved with the remains of dead Arthurs (a knight killing kings)
All day long…
Feb 14th was my 2 year mark!
Congrats to my fellow recent anniversary sharing friends!
Congrats on your 2yr Anniversary! Feels good right?
Congrats @Lolly
Yay! congrats Lolly!
nice one my lovely
a thousand congratulamanations…
I literally have no idea when mine is…I dont even know what year…i’ll just have the cake every day and not run the risk of missing it 🖒 …plan!
July is your 3/4yr right?
i honestly dont know…I went to Turkey with Keira when she was…2?..I vaped then…but started smoking again while I was there coz…well…Turkey… smoked for about 6 months…then quit for good, shes 6 in april…so yeah 3 or 4 years
Congratulations @Lolly
Forgot to mention out here that July 5 was my three year vapeversary. I like very much not smoking. And I like that despite all the knowledge and experience I have gained, there is still so much to learn.