Thanks, I don’t anticipate any serious side effects, just enough to make me nap alot.
My brother got his second one… ran a low grade fever while he was up here the last time…
Take some aspirin, @SmilingOgre and lots of fluids… juice, water.
Will do!
This is for the USA…
At the end of the month will be a nationwide rollout of rural vaccination stations. I and my team will be helping facilitate that. So, if you know anyone who fits this description, ask them if they’d like to get in on this work. Here’s what I’d need -
Dually pickup able to pull a 10k lbs trailer.
Driver and helper
Would pick up trailers (2 - truck makes 2 trips to set up) on Sundays, take them to the designated station and set them up.
Come in every morning and crank out the awning, wipe down surfaces, assure water, tp etc are stocked.
Make sure generator has gas
Empty human waste as needed
Evenings, close them back down.
This is done daily.
Sunday, take trailers to the next location.
These trailers will go to 4 stops for a week each, then start over at the first stop and do the second round.
I would love to have drivers willing to stay with their trailers for the full 2 rounds, which is 8 weeks. Longer is fine as the project is slated for 6 months.
There will be a meal allowance and paid for hotel. If you know anyone, PM me please.
Many and I’m scared shitless
Found this video today, text in the beginning is Dutch, speech is English
That’s some interesting and scary information from Dr Madej. I personally won’t be taking this vaccine, and prefer to sit on the sidelines and watch what happens with those who do. Everything might be ok. Just fine. Then again, when has a safe and effective vaccine ever been introduced to our population at such a breakneck speed? I don’t trust it.
As an aside, I read this interesting article which tends to run contrary to everything spewed by our information brigade here in the US.
That’s a good article
I think the numbers are plummeting everywhere, so they keep people paralyzed with fear about new virulent strains.
I suspect we have reached that herd immunity they talked about in the beginning of this madness.
They don’t slap people around the head with dead bodies anymore like they used to, they would if they could.
Instead they bleating on about new infections, read positive PCR tests that mean nothing and hardly result in hospitalization anymore.
Seems to me the only place this virus is raging is in the media.
I have no media and have been walking around looking for evidence that justifies the extreme measures taken, like funeral processions on a daily basis.
I haven’t seen one. Everybody in my neighbourhood is still alive, same at the school I work at. None of the hundreds of kids, their parents or grandparents have succumbed to this very dangerous virus. No friends, no family members.
Nobody in the park either where I take my dog to. I have met one person that lost a colleague to Covid.
I think that’s pretty amazing considering this pandemic has been going round for almost a whole year.
You think the people in Africa had to be told on a daily basis by the media that Ebola was going round and was dangerous?
They could see that in their direct environment, neighbours, friends and family members dying on a daily basis.
Not just the very old or very sick but healthy, young people too.
I don’t think they had to be threatened with fines and jail sentences to keep to some ridiculous measures.
I also don’t think Ebola would’ve been halted by locking yourself up in your home, keep appropriate distance or wearing a stupid mask.
They have already predicted a third wave that will be much more virulent.
Like the second wave they’ve predicted, this third wave will start exactly on time… in the media.
I’m sick and tired of this bullshit. Everything is closed, you’re only allowed to have 1 person in your house on a single day.
Curfew between 9pm and 4.30am, that has just been extended to the second of March.
There’s absolutely zero evidence these measures work. It doesn’t matter, just blame the people for not sticking to the rules and make them tighter every time.
They are already talking about even stricter measures to combat this third wave.
I’m afraid the only thing still left is locking us up in our homes 24/7
I hope not, for your sake!!!
All this lock up talk is just wacked. Grateful we arent locked up here. I don’t think they could contain us…
Home depo, lowe’s and walmart would be deprived of their covid spreading abilities… Albeit… I have shopped many times in all 3… no mask… since Dec 2019…
My brother is the mask fanatic… I flat out told him I won’t do it. Im the kid that drank from a water hose, never wore a seat belt much, I test things straight from a lab… I hang out with friends, play and live well.
They say the next “virus” will be even worse… I wish they would stop playing God and realize we don’t need to become their experiments to slow world population. They are nuts!!!
So my friend had his second dose of the vaccine last Wednesday. He said that night he didn’t feel good, then it happened…a second head…nooooooo…OK, just kidding. He didn’t feel good though and couldn’t sleep until about 3AM. When he got up still didn’t feel good so slept most of the day on Thursday. The next day he felt great and went on a 30 mile bike ride, 26 miles the next day and no problems since then. His wife was disappointed though, he has a decent life insurance policy
I’m very happy to hear your friend is doing fine.
It doesn’t alter the fact that this so called vaccine is still in the experimental phase.
Usually there are ads asking people to participate in a medical experiment for money.
The experimental phase of this vaccine ends Februari 2023, even that timespan is way to soon to know the long term effects of this gen therapy.
Nothing is known about interaction with other medication, no animal testing has been done.
People should be informed that they are participants in an experiment, they are not and that is a crime.
What really made me laugh was when our PM was talking about this virus and said it would jump over when you get to close to someone.
Apparently viruses are like fleas, they stick to your body and then wait for someone to get close and jump over
We’re trying very hard to keep our kids away from the fear mongering. They grew up in the UAE where this sort of media control doesn’t exist and we never watched US TV. Kids need to be taught that the world is a very dangerous place, yet we’ve learned to live in it by using caution and common sense. I’ve always taught my kids this stuff.
Just the other day my 13 year old helped me waterproof the basement walls. When he finished I told him to get the can of paint thinner, go outside and clean his hands. After a couple of minutes he came in and said, “Dad, this can says it’s poisonous.” I replied, “Yes, I know, don’t drink it.” Job done, he’s still alive and his hands are clean.
< rant >
We are going into a 5 day complete lockdown because our state has 13 active covid cases - I am sick of the over reaction to this shit the nearest case is 200 kilometres away it is hardly likely to make that jump.
< /rant >
We are in lockdown since December 21.
The school just opened this week for the first time, next week the holiday starts.
The third wave will of course start the end of March, so they probably close the schools again.
Or they will implement the plan they had to test school kids once every week at the gate of the school.
Whether they are sick or not.
This is our PM floating these ideas. He’s never been tested himself, claims that those quick tests are only getting a little reliable as of now and a PCR test has no use unless you have symptoms and he doesn’t
Well if you ask our Premier (or as he likes to be called Your Majesty) he seems to think we are in the third wave as per the arrow I have drawn
We’ve been promised the third wave end of March
My state, go figure… now it is everywhere.
Spread it around Smoky, spread it around
I still had an IG account, now I don’t.
I won’t change my mind, don’t worry.
At least they don’t come up with emotional blackmail like FB.
When I deleted my account many years ago, I got a parade of pictures of friends who were going to miss me
Since I don’t have a heart, it didn’t affect me one bit
Not me, I am staying far away from the game of cooties
@woftam is this for real ?? 13 active cases ??