Covid-19 pandemic

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Our whole state just got locked down for 6 days from midnight last night due to an outbreak. Gotta love those knee jerk reactions that affect even regional people because some people in our capitol city got down with the sickness.


Not sure where you are, but I don’t think ours wants to take a chance for a lock down.
Us rednecks here would for sure storm the capital :stuck_out_tongue:


Been in Lockdown 2.0 since start of November. But looking around me when I do need to go out would seem to imply otherwise. shrug Beats me.


Am in country South Australia here @SmokyBlue. We are pretty compliant as no-one can afford the fines that go with disobedience… Lol.


I see maybe 5 wearing masks in the grocery stores here with 50-60 shopping, and of course the employees wear their masks and rubber gloves… more often, not many are masked here. We are not under orders to wear one. It is suggested as a nice thing to do tho. No fines.


The masks are still voluntary atm, but that may change. We are allowed to leave the house for essential reasons, but only one person per household at a time.

Not sure how exactly they are going to police it, but apart from some shopping we don’t need to go anywhere urgently.


Curious, who is minding the stores where you shop?
You guys allowed to work?
and yeps I guess everyone there needs a house monitor or something…

Makes me feel like we are all back in school, or playing some weird game of mother may I? :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

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People in essential employment can still work. If not essential, bad luck. Supermarkets are classed as essential so they are ok but have restrictions on how many people can be inside at once.

Oh yes, it certainly is like reverting to childhood. But the few that never grew up here have ruined it for the rest of us that are actually responsible adults. It is what it is unfortunately. :upside_down_face:


Here’s some facts from the UK

  • Supermarket workers / shop workers DO NOT have to wear masks
  • Most people wear a mask to enter the shop, the second they step outside the mask is removed
  • We are being told to keep our windows open, this will encourage the virus to leave or some shit :man_shrugging:
  • When the pubs were open, you had to wear a mask to walk in but once at your table you could remove your mask, if you wanted to move from your table a mask had to be worn :man_facepalming:
  • There is literally no social distancing at colleges / work places / schools but social distancing is enforced if the police are called to a public space, out of control house party etc

Wearing a mask - What do you do when you put your mask on / take your mask off? That’s right, touch your face… What were we told NOT to do… That’s right, don’t touch your face…

In one end of life care home, a ward of 29 people was reduced to 2 within a month of the outbreak, no extra care was given before, during or after.


Michigan is having what is being called a “Pause”. No inside eating in restaurants or bars, no group exercising, limits on group sizes, schools are operating virtual, etc. Fairly sensible restrictions at the present for the present conditions. The rub to me is that if people would just exercise some thought in what they do none of this would be in play. But then, that’s always the way it works.


Our state gov said we were having a “reset”, then changed the wording to a “Pause” but didn’t change the restrictions at all… lol

Yep, watching people panic buy at the supermarket yesterday, even though supermarkets are not closing, amused the hell out of me. Seriously, why do you need 3 packs of toilet paper for a 6 day lockdown??? Hahahahaha


Amen, People scare me much more than covid does.




Nice one @whthek.


They’re not even Covid cases, they are corona cases. That stupid test cannot pinpoint which one it is.
It cannot see the difference between dead and living RNA either, so if you’ve had an innocent coronavirus about six weeks ago and go for a test today…
You can go home and put yourself in quarantine for nothing.
It keeps the panic going so…

What scares me the most is that they’ve even stopped hiding their motivations.
They just say it like it is and people are simply not hearing it.

Mandatory masks = behaviour controle
Closing of the schools just 3 days before the holiday started = a way to force the parents to work from home.

They are using children as ankle-bracelets :wtf:
What’s next?

Nobody says anything! They’re only talking about how in a couple of months from now when normal life will resume…
It won’t. If they want the bastards off their back they’ll have to stand up and they’re too spineless for that.


@Jose, I find it hard to put into words exactly what I’m thinking, but, here it goes…Those of us who are a bit older(I’m 57) are most likely the ones who are able to call bullshit on what we see happening around us, simply because we have the benefit of having lived longer…think pre-internet, pre-cell phone and pre-political correctness. I’ve seen so many social norms from my earlier years come to be unacceptable now, through the ever increasing and now constant drumbeat of censorship and fake news from those who’ve become adults and integrated into the political and business world in the past 25 or so years.
I’m a firm believer that what we are seeing in today’s society, is a direct result of school curriculum changes that no longer teach students to (1)love their country and (2) think critically! I’m not saying that ALL younger citizen’s have been infected with the ‘everyone get’s a trophy’ disease…bear witness to the havoc that relatively small group’s of hater’s can inflict on an American citys buildings and businesses!
The words ‘You should be ashamed’ no longer have any meaning with too many citizen’s…where did that come from, Jose? I am embarrassed and saddened by the behavior of some of my fellow American’s.
So, I know I’ve gone off the rails here, but it took me this many words to explain why I whole-heartedly agree with you!
As for myself, I continue to drive to, and circle my state capital with a group every Saturday…my truck adorned with the appropriate flags. And call and write my Governor and representatives regularly.

Hope you had a great pakjesavond and Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:


It might not be just age. I’m 59 but I meet a lot of people my age and older who are totally blind to what’s going on.
I’m guessing it’s education, the more you’ve had, the better indoctrinated you are.

Even in my school years when education was better than it is now, the emphasis was on reading, writing and drumming the multiplication tables into your head.
Which is good, they are the building blocks of further education, but when it came to critical thinking, I remember loads of times when a kid would say something along the lines of: “but I thought” the answer of the teacher would be “you should leave the thinking to a horse, it’s got a bigger head”.

To a pupil asking why something was, we got the story of the daughter of the railway guard.
She was picking flowers between the rails and was too busy to hear the oncoming train.
These were the old fashioned rails that are pretty high above ground.
Her father shouted at her to lie down.
If she’d asked why, she would’ve been dead.

Seeing you’re a jack of all trades, your education might not have been as consistent as it is for most.
Mine is almost non-existent, I’ve been on the sidelines of this society for as long as I can remember, and it has given me a unique perspective on the whole thing.

The new breed has the added problem of 24 hour media, something we didn’t have to deal with.
This is a constant reinforcement of what they are learning? in school, and since most parents have been forced into wage slavery, they have to leave their kids in all sorts of care facilities to make ends meet.

These facilities have to work according to the guidelines of the government and so the education of children is now the sole responsibility of the state.
Parents have been completely sidelined, you can’t have the plebs putting weird ideas into the minds of their own kids.
That’s how you get everyone to think exactly the same.
The poor buggers haven’t got a chance.

Thank you, I skipped pakjesavond, but it was my daughters birthday the day after so at least she had pakjes :grin:

And a Merry Christmas to you too :hug:

Illegitimi non carborundum


Ooorah @whthek.


Very true!

My education began with my parents at a very young age and was the foundation for how I’ve lived my life. Mom taught me the value in telling the truth and being a good listener, Dad showed me how to work hard, be a respectable person, and to finish what I started. I consider myself a lucky man to have had all that attention paid me way back then, and have watched in dismay as what has become apparent these days is many are lacking any foundation. They are sadly, stumbling through life…