Covid-19 pandemic

These hydroxychloroquine stories now populating the interweb may be a shining light of hope, too.


Coronavirus: Could one of these four drugs help treat COVID-19?


Here is an interesting article my niece sent me, common sense from a bone marrow recipient during these times


I heard a shop worker blew up when a woman came into the shop just to buy 1 piece of underwear.
“Why do you come here for this? You don’t need that!”

Same here but no lockdown, our government doesn’t believe it works. They say it’ll only work if people are tested en masse when the thing is over.
That last part people didn’t read so now they just repeat the mantra that a lockdown doesn’t work and they flock to the park.
Some shops are now enforcing a maximum number of people in their shop, but it’s not a government mandate.
Others are just happy with the panic buying, mo money.

I just wished stupid was a pre-existing health condition :sunglasses:


Bless him, I really miss him. He would’ve loved this.
I can imagine what he would say about this, cause I’m thinking it.
I just keep my mouth shut to keep the peace :grin:


News reports are saying Boris Johnson has tested positive for Covid-19, just read that on the WSJ, article dropped about 10 min ago


Those bastards all get tested don’t they.


If he is part of the at-risk category, he has a low chance of death. If he’s not in the at-risk category, he has a very low chance of death. So for those ‘hoping for the best’, that’s either good or bad news.


That rule is reserved for common people, not politicians.
I hate all of them and I hope they all get infected and piss off to another plane. :fire:


I get that it bugs you, but they are still kids. Their brain isn’t fully formed yet, they have no idea of the consequences of their actions.
We have learned over the years that all actions have consequences and you have to live with them for as long as you live, or your memory works.

I’m thinking about that girl that was licking a toilet seat as a corona challenge when I type this.
If/when she grows up and matures, that memory will still be there. :nauseated_face:

I feel kinda sorry for them. The world they’ve inherited is a lot less carefree than the one we grew up in.
And we’ve got that snake pit of politicians who sold us out to corporations to thank for that.


That sort of selfish, laissez faire attitude certainly isn’t helping. And sure, so what if he gets it. He’ll probably be just fine and barely notice. He may not care about the general public but he probably cares about his family. He becomes infected in Miami Beach, brings it home to his family of Wheredunk, USA, and maybe his parents or grandparents die from it. And community spread takes it to other family members maybe (and of course the strangers he could care less about).

Do you care now, asshole?

True, but that isn’t a good enough excuse.


If that happens he will probably end up beating himself up about his stupid, carefree attitude.
He might even care about the strangers he endangered when he is a grown man and beat himself up over that too.
His life will be miserable if/when that happens.

Not so for these politicians; they are grown and they know damn well that they are playing Russian roulette with the population, and still they keep their eyes fixed only on the money.
They get their own asses tested and they won’t be the ones ending up without an ICU bed or respirator.

I think the kids have a better excuse than those worthless bastards.

I still love you :kissing:


Wait a minute, my forum mistress… I never said the politicians get a free pass! They’re worst of all!

But back to the misguided youth, I’m still in no mood to give them a pass. What’s the point of this quarantine business if we excuse the under 21 crowd?


True, but why weren’t they prevented from doing what they did?
I’ve seen your police force at work, you can’t deny they are very good at beating up crowds.


You ask me as if I could actually answer. Because their stupid parents said they could? Because people still weren’t convinced this was an issue? Because Swine Flu raced through the country a few years ago and did a lot of damage that was not reported for some reason, and people thought this was just a similar but reported version? Probably isn’t one single answer.


Shit, now you’re telling me you’re not a know it all :joy:


You never asked. But then, I kind of thought it was obvious…



That is something that I can say amen to without hesitation.


I’m afraid that’s not just murica, it has become a pandemic. We just didn’t notice because they weren’t in need of toilet paper for that one.


I bet if you went into every government building and elected officials home, removed all the toilet paper, paper towels and Kleenex, positive things would get done really really quickly.