Australia bans vaping

Just utterly fucking dumb, corrupt, mindless, selfish & thoughtless.

the Australian government need fucking shooting.

I implore every vaper out there to email and have your say, do not let this mindless bullshit come to pass

Watch :point_down:

Bogan - Australia Bans Vaping


Legion Vapes - Message to Minister Butler


It is funny how the Australian government wants to ban it and the South African lot are promoting it. In SA they are trying to get more smokers to switch to vaping after the smoking ban during the lock down.

It is clear why they are doing this though. A lot of people stared buying illegal smokes that have not been taxed and the government lost out on a lot of revenue due to this. Many of those people have switched back to the legal stuff yet and are still avoiding the ridicules taxes put on smokes.

Now from next month, nicotine in e-liquid will be taxed.


They are not really promoting it though else they wouldn’t be taxing it, if they were serious about people switching from cigs to vaping it wouldn’t cost only £1.35 for a pack of 20, that was the cost in the UK 40 years ago.


Nothing quite like going from having an ok income and a future to being unemployed (there are no local jobs to be had atm) - all at the whim of a misinformed government and all within the space of a few hours. I will be checking out the local bridges for a place to live over the next few days FML.


My guess is there is nothing wrong with their decision in theory but how that is going to be both interpreted and implemented!


All vape shops in Australia will be gone, all juice manufacturing will be gone all hardware (including coils) will be a prohibited import they have banned what they call recreational vaping (0 nic, open systems etc) the only vape equipment that will be available is from a pharmacy with a prescription. There is only one pharmacy in Australia that sells vape equipment (Chemist Warehouse) and they only stock pod systems.

They have just murdered about 500 + small businesses and destroyed the income of 1000’s of people.

As an aside, if you are a tourist guess what, your vape gear could be seized upon entry.

Not sure how that can be construed to be the right decision in any way shape or form.


A ban on recreational vaping as the headline actually sounds like a good idea that’s what I mean but how that is being implemented and the interpretation by the tripe in your parliament is scandalous! To any fair minded person recreational vaping is kids going from not being addicted to nicotine (never smoked) and choosing vaping as a lifestyle which governments should tackle, that is not the case in Australia it’s an all out war against vaping and the only reason can be smoking tax revenue!


So sorry to hear this, Simon. I can’t say it surprise’s me, though. Not much of anything DOES anymore.


To be honest I thought this had already happened in Australia, a South African who lives in Australia messages me regularly on Ecigssa forum and he bought a lifetime worth of supplies about 18 months ago and back then was only vaping on his own land away from prying eyes, he told me about the ban and having to have a prescription back then. It must of only been in some states rather than Australia as a whole!


Obviously, @woftam could shed better light on this, but, you may be thinking about this, from a few years ago @Timwis ?


I will look at conversation dates mate!


Found it, he was stocking up for a vape ban coming into force on the 1st Oct 2021 and it’s then after this date he messaged about he could only vape now on his own property and told me about the doctors prescriptions to be able to vape etc so different dates!


Remember friends, been pounding this drum for several years now, it’s not about public health, it’s about profit and population control. Your leaders east to west are not complacent or oblivious, they’re following orders and you’re the carbon they want to reduce.


That was a couple of years ago where the prescription for nic started to be enforced this is a totally different animal (and different health minister) doubling down after the prescription model failed and created a huge black market. Now they are enforcing not only prescription but 0 nic juice, hardware, consumables etc the vape industry in Australia will be gone and the only place selling vapes will be chemists, unfortunately, this is the result of a search to fill a prescription

I just searched Chemist Warehouse and it looks like they are either not listing or not stocking


But smoking is ok?


Yes, they will just tax that more because and I quote “banning smoking would have civil liberties connotations” (as said by a media show host last night) umm obviously vapers do not have any civil liberties according to that statement. So over the next 3 years the price of a packet of 30 smokes will go up from $50aud (£26 $34 USD)
Later this year to $56 aud
Next year $62.75 aud
Year after $70.20 aud

There are already people giving up food in favour of smoking and electricity and the Australian government feels it deserves an extra 3 billion dollars on top off the 16 billion dollars it already collects in tobacco tax from approximately 2.5 million smokers. They are intent on stamping out smoking and that is fine but they are giving people nowhere to go to make it easier.

The last time I went to re-up my nic prescription the local Dr refused to give me a script because “You have already quit so now you need to quit vaping” fucking arsehat (I did get a script from another dr).


So, if you’re caught continuing to sell liquid after this goes into effect, you’ll be a criminal…


He’s already a criminal, he’s Australian, lol!


Yes mate that is correct but even if I decide to sell liquid as ‘keto’ flavouring lol then no one can get hardware or coils to vape. Sure everyone could buy rebuildables and mechs but most people cannot be arsed to build (nor do they have the knowledge required atm)


This is how well informed our health minister is

“Vapes contain more than 200 chemicals that do not belong in the lungs. Some of the same chemicals you will find in nail polish remover and weed killer,” Butler said.

Which is a line taken word for word from Simon Chapman and supported by Prof Emily Banks who are both liars when it comes to vaping they have deliberately misinformed the health minister because they both benefit from people smoking (they would not have jobs if everyone quit)