Pre Vape-apocalypse vape cave pics, if you DARE !!!
Nice place bro!
Well SD, My Vape Cave has been an exercise in what I can do with such limited space, But…this thing has kept me busy all week and I’ve really quite enjoyed myself, My only gripe now, is that I keep getting moaned at for spending too much time in there…
Nice looking cave mate
I wish it was 5 times the size but cheers man
Ha, I just posted on FB that you should post this in here @Slushy , and here you are
…seeing as this is your first post you should introduce yourself in the newcomers thread man
you’ll get welcomed properly by all the reprobates then
Same goes for you @BigCloud
ummm you would just put more shite in it and need more space. Trust me.
so cool
I don’t think there is any more space behind the ‘Blanket of mystery’ …(you can’t see that it’s behind me) …I def need a bigger summer house…or…kick the kids out of their room…much better idea
You guys/gals are way too much organized for my tastes… and no I’m not going to show pics of my mess… I do know where everything is and where to find it btw.
Spectacular Rocky … Are you sure you don’t need another mod?
Wait JUST a minute here, Mr. MyCaveIsCleanerThanYourCave. I see a RED wall, and a GRAY wall ?? !!!
Oooooooooh. I see !!!