Holy shit that’s funny as shit… Satan seh deh badman tingz
Our minced pies at Xmas are a heavily spiced fruit variety!
As ridiculous as it sounds I found I needed to be Americanised to a degree when writing reviews as they are the biggest audience so for instance I might say but what’s under the hood referring to the chipset when my natural way of speaking would be what’s under the bonnet!
I switch pretty easily. So elsewhere, if I know english isn’t their native language, I won’t use any concatenations for their translations, or if I know they’re predominantly American, I’ll drop that proper ‘u’. Like flavor vs. flavour.
Is that Thia? looks quite a watery curry not as thick as Indian!
It is Watery, in that photo yes, but it is in fact Thai… It’s thickened up with peanut butter I believe, the local spot here is nice and thick like a stew gravy almost the chef there in her broken english calls it a dry curry… Spicy, aromatic, absolutely delicious.
Hey, come on, now…at least we got ‘Flour’ right.
Thought it was Thai, much thinner but bursting with flavour!
I find it funny many Americans when it comes to the English has a stereotype of us all sounding like the royal family yet whenever Americans pronounce one of our shire counties it’s them that use the posh pronunciation, we don’t!
Not here, mate. I find it pretty neat, to have friends from around the world, actually! I do have a hard time catching all of @EatMaBB 's words, and, on the Saturday Show, once @Steampugs and friends start getting a little snockered, I completely lose track of what their saying! But, it’s all good.
Ello Ello GUVNA
1920’s East London! lol
I see you’re taking my angle, find the angle of attack (posts seeing most traffic) then POW BAM BOOM, HIT THEM WITH THE TRUTH BOMBS SO THEY HAVE IT IN THEIR HEADS
It’s like, “Oh happy fairytale Rainbow land, good vapes, good times, just gonna head on over hear to what made you smile and see what other fairytale rainbow puppy dog’s breath is going on here… WAIT… We’re Being DEPOPULATED? Hmm hmm hmmm, let’s see what kind of blue raspberry recipes are in the recipe section OMG AND THEY’RE DOING IT BY INJECTION, MANUFACTURED FAMINES?!.. Oh well, it’s just a conspiracy that more and more people are talking about, gonna play some Wordle… Oh I spelled Death, that’s not troubling, anyways gonna go play farming simulator”
This is probably very true. However, I have several friends from Liverpool and there ain’t an ounce of posh in their dialect. In fact I often have to say “can you repeat that?” I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re the same. Liverpool (to me) is like the Cajuns in South Louisiana here. I have no idea what they’re saying half the time. Here in South Carolina along the coast we have our own group of “what the hell did they say” people. The language is Gullah Geechee, but here we all just call it Geechee.
When I watch Americans on Youtube pronounce one of our counties like Leicestershire or Lancashire they pronounce it as it is written as in a shire horse which actually also sounds posh when only 0.00000000001% of English people pronounce it like that, most pronounce it like shear, then of course you have the Brummies, Scousers and Geordies that might as well be speaking martian. Of course those same American Youtubers also can’t complete a sentence without saying Oh My God!
Kinda like Brit YT’ers who can’t get through a 5 minute video without a generous application of the word “literally.”
Language can be funny.
new one on me, not a word I hear very often.