What to use to draw liquid nicotine? Too thick for any of my syringes

First of all, anyone know why I can’t post a new topic under hardware? It says to use the sub-categories, but all I see are topics. 'Tis why I’m posting this here.

I have a number of different types and sizes of syringes, but the only ones that “could” draw that nicotine into the chamber are the ones I use for the PG/VG. I don’t want to use those. They’re rather big, and given the volatility of nicotine, I don’t want it to drip all over.

Whatay’all use?


moveland 100 PCS 3ML Dropper Pipettes Essential Oil Transfer, Disposable Plastic Eye Dropper for Science Experiments, Crafting, Makeup Tool: Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific


Done and done. Thanks!


Same here @PaulyWalnuts, maybe @Grubby can assist.


Oh, Pig Pen! Oops, Oh, @Grubby


I used to use one of these for smaller batches.

This is a cheapish one

you can pay up to $400 for super dooper accurate lab quality dispensers.


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@PaulyWalnuts if I read your post right, you’re using syringes for everything ?? NIC, and PG/VG ??

If so, I would recommend NOT doing that LOL.

Syringes for NIC I actually DO use, but PG/VG, depending on how big I’m mixing, I either use twist top 500ml bottles, or for bigger batches, I pour directly from 1L bottles. Having to syringe everything would not only take forever, but also be a PITA.


Liquid Barn, has my go to 500ml twist tops @PaulyWalnuts


I bought this:


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Okay, what else am I doing wrong? LOL.

These are my tools for making my juices. I have a boat load of all those syringes and just picked up 100 pipettes. I had to take the big syringe out of the bag or you wouldn’t be able to tell what it is.

I pour the PG/VG into the ramekin, and “Suck it up” using the large syringe. I tried the smaller syringe for the NIC, but once I thought it was out it pulled me back in.

Oh yeah. Picked up the Mag-18 and top air flow yesterday. My old one drained one of the batteries in about 90 seconds. Tried new batteries. She also liked to leak, hence the air flow on top.

Next is my flavor stash. The bottles in the back top shelf are some that I already mixed. The lower shelf are SFT’s. For example 3 bottles of coconut at 4% 8% and 12% flavoring. I have more of the smaller bottles in a tackle box.

In the zip-lock bag is my milk frother. <sp?> NIC is in the fridge.


OK @PaulyWalnuts, “wong” is a relative term, BUT, you should not be using syringes for anything other than NIC. I would pick up the 500ml twist top bottles Iinked above, or similar, and make your mixing MUCH, much easier and faster.


Grabbed 10 500 ml bottles, and 10 twist caps. Hopefully the caps fit on those bottles I already have.

I assuming you use a funnel? Those bottles are a bit heavy. Especially that gallon bottle I have!:slight_smile:


I only use a funnel when breaking down NIC.

Can you link to what you purchased ?


Would you please explain what you mean by “beaking down NIC”?

Also, what syringe do you use for the NIC?


Alright @PaulyWalnuts you are SOON going to be in a WHOLE OTHER mixing dimension, once you get those squeeze bottles. It just makes it SOO much easier, cleaner, faster.

I typically use 10ml syringes, with 14 ga. blunt tips for extracting the NIC, out of the bottle. When I’m mixing VERY large quantities, I actually just POUR from my working NIC bottles, but that’s only for BIG mixing sessions.

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I don’t know why, but I LOVE explaining this for some odd reason @PaulyWalnuts. All I can do, is explain MY system. It may not be right for everyone, but it has proven perfect for me.

I buy NIC by the gallon, and I ONLY use 100% PG, 100mg NIC.

I use gloves when doing this, because it is a SHITLOAD of NIC to be working with. Typically I take the gallon of NIC, and pour it into multiple smaller bottles to be put in the “deep freeze”. I have two medical grade freezers, that chill at -35F. I typically use 240ml clear Wheaton bottles and caps. I fill the bottles up to about 1.5-2.0" of headspace, which allows for expansion/contraction. After I have all of the bottles filled, I top them off with some Argon gas. What this does, is it DISPLACES (removes) the air (atmosphere) out of the top of the bottle, as Argon gas is heavier than air. Then I tightly cap off each gassed bottle using the VERY solid Wheaton tops. I then wrap them in deep freeze rated 3M tape as an added precaution. I label each bottle, and then put a couple into large ziplock bags, and stack them upright in the medical freezers.

Now that’s for deep freeze storage. I wouldn’t want to use a 240ml as my “working” bottle, so, I then take one of the BIG bottles, and break it down further, into 60ml, or 120ml “working” bottles. I do not gas or tape these, and one at a time, I move ONE of them, into the regular freezer in the lab, and use that to mix with. Once that’s empty, I move to another “working” bottle.

This way, ALL of my NIC is protected in glass, the deep storage bottles are all on gas, and my working bottles, I use one at a time. It keeps everything as fresh as possible, for as LONG as possible.

I don’t have any pics of the gallon break down, but here’s one, just transferring from plastic to glass, same exact way.

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Also @PaulyWalnuts I feel it ALWAYS needs to be said when people start handing NIC, make SURE, to use precautions, because accidents DO happen, spills, broken bottles, and more. If you’re just getting started with it, using goggles, and gloves is NEVER a bad idea. Keep pets, and kids OUT of the area, and breaking NIC down on hard, glass, stainless steel surfaces is a PLUS, because it’s easy to clean up. Even 100mg NIC can be deadly to people, kids, and pets.

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Good grief, I have WAY more flavors than you! :innocent:

That syringe looks like it’s 30 ml? Where can I get those syringes? That looks to be like mine, I “think” it probably around 14 Ga. Mine didn’t come with tips, though.

Found these on Amazon:

30 ml 14 ga.

I got a 250 ml bottle of this, PG based.


Also got a 50 pack of these. They’re a bit flimsy but they cover my lap when sitting.

Plastic bibs

And these.

Face masks

VERY disappointed. For $10, I would have expected the chick to come with it.

Regular surgical vinyl glove that I wish went up to may arm pits.

Finally got curious about “The steam guy” and googled it. Found there’s a web site. I’d of thought you would be selling e-liquids.

As for that -35 degrees, sell the damn freezers and move to Michigan. Spent the first 40 years of my life there. Best of all, in the summer time, when it hits 95 degrees and the humidity is literally 100% you get to have what we called “Swamp butt”.

Now, in the central valley of California, it only hit the triple digits 41 days last year! Fortunately it was only the upper 90’s out of our 120 day summers. Record breaking.

“Normally”, it’ll hit triple digits for 3 or 4 days, then this Delta breeze comes in from San Francisco and cools things down to the low 90 or even mid 80 for a couple weeks. At 15% humidity that’s REAL nice!

In Michigan, when spring came around, (Mind you it often snowed on Easter) you’ll hear people saying things like, “I hear it’s supposed to hit the mid 40’s tomorrow.” Time to break out the shorts and t-shirts!

Moved here on December 2nd. 'twas 56 degrees. We were like, MAN, this is awesome! Now? 60 degrees is freezing! Halloween, 'round 75. December/January? Could be 50, could be 80. Rest of the time, beautiful!

Ever heard of a swamp cooler? Like a humidifier but much more forced air. People use them to cool homes and stores. Like getting out of a swimming pool. Soaking wet and a breeze hits you and cools you down. We have “misters” around our patio. Sprays a fine mist of water on you and the often present breeze cools you down.

'cept when it’s 115 degrees. Even then it’ll feel like 95 on the patio which is covered thus shaded.

'Course I dunno where you live, I could be preaching to one choir or another.

BACK from memory lane to reality. Just cracked open a bottle of chocolate malted milk I made about 3 weeks ago. 30/70 PG/VG, 6% flavor and 8% NIC. Mind you I’m still smoking 6 to 8 (or more) cigars a day, so I think my NIC needs are probably high. Who knows, right?

60 ml’s, before I learned about SFT’s. Very week flavor, and I cough a bit even at 20 watts, regardless of the air flow. 'Sup wit Dat?

And why do I say things like “'sup wit dat”? Many moons ago, I was working at a “consulting” firm where we were replacing a bunch of Windows 3.1 PC’s with NT 4.0 Workstation for the Grand Rapids school district.

I was at a school down town, that had barbed wire fences, empty bottles of Mad Dog 20-20 and used syringes laying around. One of the teachers said to a student, “Di’ent I just ax you not to do dat?” Nice article in the Grand Rapids Press the following Sunday. FULL page article. Wonder where they got that idea…