No chem trails to be seen
Some really good stuff there @JoelSq
He makes some pretty great content, his username on the tweeter is @S_Coughlin
Denny’s has this burger with hamburger, an egg, bacon, cheese and hashbrowns… I got it with turkey gravy for the fries…
That place is bangin’, forgot how good their food is.
Just a friendly reminder, there is a great documentary that is Cited and has Video proof of population control polices from places like the UN/WHO and details the history of Eugenics:
First video:
Priceless …
Albert Lee has some Old SX Mini’s in stock and dirt cheap Abyss AIO and accessories on sale…
Buy them up as the US dollar is stronger so you could probably get a 120 dollar mod for 40 bucks, it’s RBA for 5, etc.
@joel what is that side by side ?
It’s an AIO but you can buy the kit to make it a SBS… I think the kit is 10 dollars Canadian…
Jump on it while you can, these things will sell out fast… I think in total it will cost you around 40 bucks before shipping
This talk is brilliant. Especially the question and answer session where he goes off on a journalist who was still spouting ‘safe and effective’ when it came to to Covid jab.
I love this guy.
He has a Hadron DNA100C on there for like 40 bucks CAD as well, seeing as how you’re a fan of SteamCrave stuff, might be a good pickup…
There’s a reason why Brazil, Russia, India and China and Saudi Arabia didn’t issue out vaccines. He’s right about that.
He is pro Putin, which is fine, a lot of people are but if Yuri Bezmenov has been correct and it seems he has been. The reason you’re not seeing woke in the global north (Western Nations) is because we’re being Subverted… You’re seeing Leninism, Maoist and Marxist roots in everything in North America now that I’ve been learning about it. That’s undeniable. So I’m more inclined to think this intersectionality we’re seeing in the Western world isn’t happening in places like Russia or China is because they already went through that.
There were vaccines issued out in Russia, it was called Sputnik. I’m sure China did too. I don’t know about the others.
And he’s definitely NOT pro Putin.
He explains that very well in the talk. You should listen to it before jumping to conclusions.
Being against the war in the Ukraine does not equal being pro Putin. It has nothing to do with it.
It’s about seeing a country completely destroyed and generations wiped out in a war that’s perpetuated by the West and cannot be won.
Now pieces of Ukrainian land are sold off to Black Rock. You think there’s going to be anything left of the Ukraine?
Anybody who says they care about Ukraine should be worried about that.
Instead labels are stuck on people for mentioning facts.
Not helpful.
She looks good for a 68 year old!