Oddly enough, my mom got me to watching some Korean comedy (which they class as “Variety Show”)… It started with a show called:
Men on a Mission
And then migrated into food… /laughs
There’s another one called “Let’s Eat”, that wasn’t what I thought it was going to be, but also turned out to be high quality content for all ages. It had a kickass intro theme though!
But I highly recommend checking out MOAM, and I’ll give fair warning that it’s a slow-starter. It may take 3-5 episodes to get to enjoy it for some. But I find it a a refreshing change to the majority of trash that’s on American TV. (Obviously I’m not including things like NCIS etc)
I’m fairly sure I’ve seen Lock Stock… But definitely need a refresher.
And then there’s another “modern classic” that the name escapes me ATM (surprise) with two brothers, and I’m thinking about an angel image for some reason… (not sure if on the movie promo materials, or if it was a tat or…)