The Provari Nice…I really wanted to keep that forever because they closed but knew you would take care of it and use it
Damn @Dan_the_Man, now I gotta go on a hunt for my Provari. Yours is in excellent shape.
I got it from @Fiddy almost for free. I traded some MF but IMO it wasn’t worth it… For him.
@Fiddy hey brother, if you ever want it back it’s all yours. For reals. It could be years from now and if we are still in touch I will send it your way my friend.
It would be kinda cool to see how many Provari’s we can get hand checks for.
It is a Asmodus Zesthia kinda weekend!
If still have any Zesthia left I would highly recommend it, still one of my favorite single coil RTA’s.
I am now involved in a vape war, just got this surprise stabwood Centaurus from a friend, payback will be swift and unrelenting.
Welcome @nks
Pop over and intro yourself here if you wish
i really enjoy vaping on brunhilde too and i really like it on the easy mod because of its height
I just repaired 5 of those mods… not working, main issues are: batteries gone and the two negatives, probably the soldering machine had problems on the top right handside of the board, where the battery negative is, soldered on just one side… I soldered on both sides and resurrected.
The other negative, towards the 510 connector also had problems (always top right) with cold soldering or double tin, prob machine just jumped the battery negative and double soldered the connector negative… look at the picture with the battery negative already repaired, but you can see that it wasn’t at first.