So this is a carry over from TRW’s mushroom induced thread on 2 decades old Strawnana Custard. And it is something that has been on my mind off and on.
I am on a 4 week mixing schedule. Sometimes I may stretch it out to 5/6 weeks. I mix with nic.
Currently I have about 6 weeks of juice, all steeped.
So here are a few questions.
-mix w/o nic until steeped?
-after adding nic, vape straight way, or give it another week?
-mix with nic and refrigerate after maturation?
-am I on the same shrooms?
I have mixed w/o nic and used 0 nic and it sucks. I have added nic later and I think it sucked, I don’t remember.
I agree. And I have talked to Beaufort batches about this a long time ago on my road to becoming an elite mixer. He adds nic after steeping.
I guess my main goal is to mix up large quantities at one time. This will open up more time to single flavor testing and working on new mixes. Two things that I hate to do. But if I have a large reserve built up do you think refrigeration would slow down or stop the steep process?
Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that mostly contain basic nitrogen atoms. This group also includes some related compounds with neutral and even weakly acidic properties.
So nicotine is an additive that will react and change your mix just the same as any other additive?
I don’t know if you can slow that process down or not, if it is acid based, I would say no.
It’s not that difficult to set up a closed atmosphere bottling space.
Nitrogen or Argon are the 2 most common non reactive gasses used last I knew.
Wired a couple of closed rooms for paint companies where the mixing action is explosive and any oxygen present will cause a potential air-fuel bomb.
All the mixing and bottling was done remotely-robotically.
I steep with nic & use nic salts - the other day I pulled out some 18 month old juice from the cupboard and have it in a squonker things I noticed.
Flavour is not as strong as when first mixed (expected) but still nice.
It is not harsh.
The color change is minimal.
The color isn’t important really it is more down to taste i think that adding nic salts will make the mix more acidic and leads to less change over time than freebase.
I do have argon here ( ) and top off all the small nic bottles once I break down a large bottle. I imagine that adding argon to a mixed batch would in fact keep it fresher tasting but it is not something I have done.
Random thoughts really but I may lead you to trying a few things.