Lockdown —> Flood market with liquidity to induce risk —> Jack up rates at an insane pace to catch everyone with their pants down [you are here] —> Consolidate and control
When everyone is tied to Wellfare is when they will introduced the CBDC.
Lockdown —> Flood market with liquidity to induce risk —> Jack up rates at an insane pace to catch everyone with their pants down [you are here] —> Consolidate and control
When everyone is tied to Wellfare is when they will introduced the CBDC.
And suddenly, when NO one was looking, worth-less, became worthless !!!
I don’t know why @joel, but that one really hits home.
The ‘Conspiracists’ (so called) have been predicting the intentional destruction of the US Dollar for at least the last 3 years…these conspiracies all seem to be coming home to roost at the same time. And when we sit in a year or 18 months, in the throes of epic bank failures and plummeting living standards, even for the middle class, all of the will, no doubt, whinge and cry even in the face of having been warned of it! In the main, my fellow citizens disgust me for, without solidarity we are lost, and all they had to offer was ridicule and siding with those who are screwing them…they simply cannot conceive of the possibility that those in power, in whom we trust, have been fucking us from the outset. Get in some storable grub and assets out of their reach OR YOU WILL END UP WI FUCK ALL!!
Dont forget all of the 3 B’s… Beans Bullets and Band-Aids
The goal is a 2 tier society, look up FIRES and their plans for the UK for Absolute Zero, they basically want to get rid of everything including shipping by 2030.
He’s truly great and his podcasts are really interesting.
But yes, this was known since the 90s and a lot of people were on the money, especially a guy named William Cooper, he wrote the book “Behold A Pale Horse” which details everything from the Trans Movement, Woke, Depopulation, Bio-engineered weapons, Global Warming Hoax, etc… He was also murdered after he “predicted” the 9-11 event on a Radio Show, which 9-11 in itself is really interesting…
IXXI is found often in the Vatican and other Catholic churches, it’s directly tied to Jesuit order and stands for “The Gate Of Apollo”… There’s a lot of huge huge connections with all this religious stuff, hard to keep track of and even if you don’t believe in it the powers that be do and that’s got to count for something.
Mind blowing stuff.
Here is a Documentary channel by a Christian guy that basically go to all these buildings where secret societies are and shows the imagery and traces it back to other things, quite fascinating stuff.
Just a bit of Trivia we have a well known William Cooper in the UK. He is a Welsh serial killer known as the bullseye killer because he appeared on national telly on a very popular darts gameshow called Bullseye after he had already killed at least 2 people and went on to kill at least another 2 (like with most serial killers he is suspected to be responsible for more victims). He was also responsible for countless armed robberies and is one of the few in the UK serving a full life term so he will never be released!
The owl represents… WHO
I know, I was fucking around… Moloch is a Semitic god of Child Sacrifice, I found that interesting.
The Vatican, Washington DC… Pretty wild.
As Hudson said…" We are on an express elevator to hell, going down ". And I would add, because the sheep are sheepishly acquiescent
Invited you to a Pm, Ed…