Michigan becomes first state to ban flavored e-cigarettes, cites dangers of vaping

Michigan becomes first state to ban flavored e-cigarettes, cites dangers of vaping Michigan vaping ban: State is first to prohibit flavored e-cigarettes

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This is not a partial ban on some flavors or some retail locations. Online and retail sales of flavored vapor products are banned after a 30-day sell-through period.
Take Action TODAY by calling Governor Whitmer’s office and urging her to rescind this order.

(517) 373-3400


Exactly. Some people bought some vapable “street drugs” got sick and one died. Response; ban a critical aspect of vaping. Result; increased reliance upon black market or “street” sources. Her action will kill people, but Gretchen’s desire will be fulfilled. She will be heralded as a leader willing to take bold action. Clearly political maneuvering. Clearly sociopathic. Clearly Gooberment.


NY health dept just came out targeting vitamin E acetate. Those crazy fuckers were vaping grease. Can’t imagine that being a problem? That won’t effect the Emperor however. She has spoken!!!


It sounds like they have cut THC topical cream (if there is such a thing) into a vape


ROLF, I think that covers it. Absolutely FUBAR at every level. And now as the shops close and the internet is shut down they can sell a lot more!


You nailed it. Once “elected” there is no recourse.

You’re dead on, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Empress gets her way. Enter president law. If the other branches turn their heads and remain mute, I think it will fly.

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You’re in good company. Let it rage. I take heart in being old. I don’t have to put up with this shit too much longer. The greatest damage from this direction will occur after my passing. They are asking for it and they will get it. At that point I will give it about 90 years, the term it took the USSR to fall apart. You can’t usurp nature for any extended period of time.


Youngsters exposed to drugs on social media… time to ban social media! :laughing:


So shocked that social media is being used for dealing :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


And furthermore, the sheer hypocrisy of starting the article with this gem…

It is fine to get hooked on videogames instead of doing your homework but do not, I repeat, do not look at pictures of grass online.
Videogames go very well with drugs btw, the way you get sucked right into them. It is a lifestyle :grin:


Strictly speaking that should include cigarettes. BT uses flavours to enhance their products.


I’ve tried commenting in the past on issues and in return I received a propaganda pamphlet. The deeper one digs the more one finds that the gooberment has been very busy intrenching themselves as dictators. We can vote but nominations are all but controlled by incumbents. Simply FUBAR.


Oh great looks like King Brain Cell has put his single brain cell into action.

Scott Gottlieb, who stepped down as FDA commissioner in April, said in a tweet that Juul bore particular responsibility for forcing the administration’s hand.

“Unfortunately the entire category of e-cigs was put at risk largely as a result of the youth abuse of mostly one manufacturer’s products,” Gottlieb said.

My sympathy to all my American friends, you have a hard road ahead of you.


This decision has ramifications around the world, when you consider the impact on the likes of TPA, Flavorah and Capella, and all of their international customers who may be left without product if they cease to exist due to their businesses no longer being viable.
I for one will now start looking more closely at European, Australian and other countries flavour manufacturers, which I am sure I will not be alone in doing.


Colour me stupid, but I am battling to get my head around the “logic” of banning all flavour barring tobacco flavours, under the pretext of stopping kids using the taste of those flavours as a gateway to smoking.
Now my logic says you don’t let someone vape on the very taste that you are trying to dissuade them from using.
By the same logic if a kid, or anyone, vapes on a fruity or desert flavour, and they like it, why would they then want to smoke cigarettes that taste like tobacco?
It makes no sense to me at all, which must mean I don’t have the brains to be a politician, for which I am eternally grateful.


TPA and Capella were around before so I am hoping will be around after, many other applications for there products other than vaping. I fear for Flavorah as they came into the flavoring business as designed for vaping. All of this is up in the air though as nothing happening now has a resemblance to common sense.