A little update on the recipe.
Having tested the FA Lemon Sicily at 2% against the recipe, I’ve noticed some fading and I feel this isn’t the lemon note needed to accompany VTA Lemon Meringue Tart. The FA lemon does do well in a bakery as that’s how it’s behaving in this recipe, but it’s doing just that!- Enhancing the cooked aspect (like a baked lemon),but only a touch.
I’ve now got my delivery of a few more lemons:
Lemon (Chemnovatic) - smells good
Lemon Mix (Inawera)
Shisha Lemon (Inawera)
So, I guess a bit more work to do on this recipe. I’ve also got a few more creams and custard concentrates in which I’ll post some ideas.
Interesting, I like the idea of that little twist. Looked at that one before, but wasn’t sure we I’d use it. As always Smoky comes to the party and I need to order another one
OMG! This is great! I ran with SSA Natural Lemon at 0.25% and spun it up with the GC yesterday. Delicious!!! and the Greek yogurt! nice and full and tasty! Great lemon taste and creamy custardy tangy! YUM
A quick update on the lemons I tested for the Lemon Custard recipe:
Lemon (Chemnovatic) gentle tartness - no zest and no rind
not a strong lemon (SFT at 2%) need to re-test at 4%
Shisha Lemon (Inawera) Zest and rind notes present - waxy skin on point
sweetness a touch over perfect - zest is a bit dominant so be careful use with
another lemon - a touch dry (SFT at 2%).
Lemon Mix WG (Inawera)very low sweetness - kinda sour - juicy - a touch waxy
base level of a lemon - very much a juice of a lemon vibe - pretty good and useful
in combination with a brighter lemon for the top notes (SFT at 2%).
I think that Lemon Mix WG (Inawera) is a winner here. It’ll add some juicy moist note probably needed when mixing with other lemons. Shisha Lemon (Inawera) would be a good match as those zest peel notes along with the waxy note could give the pep that’s needed.
Wow, I’ve not gone over 0.5 with lemon mix and usually use at 0.3. Pairs nicely with INW lemon at 2. I’ve not tried the shisha, good notes. The Chemnovatic lemon at 3 I get juice, zest, and a hint of rind at 3-4 weeks but not much before that time.
To be honest, I had a touch of fear before testing lol.
I find with Inawera , you never quite know what to expect. Some are super potent!
With Lemon Mix (INW) you can definitely push that one. The Shisha is more potent for me.
All the lemons were tested after a one week steep.
I’ll give the Chemnovatic a bit longer when I re-test it. Thanks for the tip!
So the mission continues…
Acknowledged SessionDrummer and Lukeloop’s suggestions to use
Chemnovatic LCW and TPA Custard II respectively.
This is how v3 of the recipe looks:
Caramel Butter (WF) at 1%
Cornish Cream (SSA) at 2%
Custard (FA) at 3.5%
Devon Cream (CCW) at 2.5%
Lemon Cream Wafer (Chemnovatic) at 4%
Lemon Mix WG (Inawera) at 0.25%
Vanilla Custard II (TPA) at 3.5%
Lemon Cream Wafer (Chemnovatic) and Cornish Cream (SSA) should provide some decent mouthfeel.
Lemon Mix WG (Inawera) adds a juicy note. This’ll also need a steep to mellow (about three weeks).
Still toying with the idea of dropping 0.25% of FLV Fig to add a darker syrup vibe to the lemon.
This was mixed up yesterday - Let’s see how this baby steeps
Test notes v3:
What an improvement! It’s satisfyingly thick, creamy although nothing too crazy and the custard level is well balanced from the ‘cake’ aspect from the Chemnovatic LCW.
As far as the lemon goes, I’d say it could be pushed a touch higher bearing in mind that INW Lemon Mix is a fairly flat delivery. As I mentioned, it was in here to add juiciness (relief from any dry notes). I’ve since got SSA Natural Lemon and yet to test it.
I personally think it’s missing a bit of buttery goo in the custard so adding something like WF Flan but keep it fairly low (0.75% to 1%) may be the answer - Could add LB VIC at 1% but a bit bored of this maneuver ATM. Also, SSA Cornish Cream can totally be lowered by 0.5% as the mouthfeel kicks in at 1%.
So a couple of adjustments, it would go as follows:
Caramel Butter (WF) at 1.5% (raise by 0.5%)
Cornish Cream (SSA) at 1.5% (lowered by 0.5%)
Custard (FA) at 3.5%
Devon Cream (CCW) at 2.5%
Lemon Cream Wafer (Chemnovatic) at 4%
Lemon Mix WG (INW at 0.25%
Vanilla Custard II (TPA) at 3.5%
Flan (WF) at 0.75%
and here comes in maybe Natural Lemon (SSA) at 1%
That would make the recipe fully verified so please chime in and give your thoughts on what you’d do! As the title states, it’s a collaboration and wouldn’t have got it to this point so far without you excellent mixers thoughts/opinions
Ive gotta pick up that Lemon Mix WG.
SmokyBlue’s recipe above, where I subbed the Natural Lemon (SSA) I like the subbed version more.
Lemons are a tough flavor to pin down. between accuracy and fading, they are a challenge.
Thanks tons for all your notes on constructing recipes and testing flavors !!