Let's make a Lemon Custard!

Many custard recipes out there and many lemon concentrates to be found. I thought that maybe we could put our experiences together and see what we could come up with!

Let me start:

  • I know that WF has a Lemon Custard and it’s on my list to get real soon (for a Luke Loop recipe).
  • Does the custard need a prominent vanilla note or would it detract from the lemon note?
  • Does it need a dark cream or be kept on the lighter side?

Wow, that’s a loaded question @PAPACHiGLY, as even Custard’s can vary wildly between different people. I’ve never done a lemon custard, but you’re making me want to try. Having never tried, the age old issue I could foresee would be first, getting a nice semi dense, creamy custard, THEN, getting a lemon to be able to not only punch through, but maintain it’s lemony-ness. Totally do-able though. Let me get through these Delosi SFT’s. If you have FA’s Custard it is fairly light, and has some slight lemon notes that could easily be push/pulled.


Awesome as always @SessionDrummer thanks for joining in :slight_smile:
Yep, bloody custards. It’s one of those profiles which is never finished. I’m currently on v304 but they are getting better! and yeh, I’m aware of how do you exactly get the lemon to stay after a steep?
I’ve got FA Custard :+1: btw :wink:


Getting the lemon to stay without fading can be harder depending on which lemon(s) you use, but typically, multiple lemons can help, sometimes increasing they’re use as well.


Sheerluckohms has a lemons in custardy recipe that can help and is pretty decent.
Another take on it is LCP (Lemon Cream Pie) by freshpies both on the other paltform ELR
There are many others, I also did a Lemon Grab Parfait on the other platform ATF
Sorry for naming other platfoms but I do bring in others here.


Use my custard stone v2 and about 2% TFA lemon. That will get you there.


Lemon Custard WF is descent but it will need help if im making a Lemon anything its gonna start with MF lemon so I wouldd be starting at .2 to .3 pct then picking which custard I want . Keep it simple and go with what imo is the best FA Premium then add the WF lemon Custard these will probably be enough but your gonna be lacking a bit of mouth feel so OOO Vanilla MM would be a great addition. @PAPACHiGLY are you hoping to build this as a group ??


@Fiddy EXACTLY! Build as a group. Combine our knowledge and experience plus maybe learn something along he way! I certainly have so far :smile:
Anyone familiar with INW lemons? I personally have VTA,CAP, FA and FE lemons.


ATF has recently added new vendors e.g SSA and flavors. I believe it is being revamped as it is under new management.


The original INW lemon was pretty good. It has changed so I do not know what that is like now.


The ATF owner used Paypal for paid subscriptions (which there has been much discussion on forums about ATF and that the admin never repairs bugs/problems and is inaccessable/has stopped supporting the site, and was merely selling paid memberships)
If Im incorrect, please forgive me, but I was a paid user before VC and my paid membership ended when Paypal cut everything vaping off and the ATF owner seems to have not notified them/us about anything.
If its under new management, as @lukeloop Luke has suggested, it would be prudent for the new management to publish some statement to the community.

Lemons- I have the FE Lemon (really good) and the JF Lemon which is like lemonheads candies and it fades quickly. MF lemon is on my to do list, as its highly reviewed.

https://youtu.be/AW4359cxTU4 is a few years old, but very useful


@Tmease thank you for acutally answering my question. I very much appreciate it. So, who was the original owner of the site? For some reason I thought it was wayne but apparently not. I litteraly know nothing about it

Doesn’t wayne (diy or die) have his own calculator or recipe site. I could have sworn he did, it was 2 dollars a month or some such. I’m going off of a 4 year old memory and I forgot what my name is.

Anywho, I am merely curious…


My Account - DIY OR DIE Vaping is where mine requires login to Wayne Walker’s DIYorDie site.
Ive had problems on my work computer with viewing any of his site contents, and am too busy to try to figure out why, so I cancelled the autorenew, but its pretty good, as I recall. I do IT for a living. if I cant get into a website and easily view content Ive paid for, and no easy to find/use support links, I move on.

I cant seem to find who owns/owned the ATF website, but my membership is now showing I have an annual membership there(even after I canceled?). The site pages look nice, and there appears to be much less junk recipes on it, for what it’s worth.


So from the feed back and suggestions so far, a lemon custard could look something like this:

  • Custard (Crema Pasticcera) (FA) or Lemon Custard (WF)
  • Another custard to back up (INW,FA Premium, or TPA II)
  • Vanilla Ice Cream to bring in some vanilla, smoothness and maybe butter depending which VIC.
  • Some kind of cream to add volume, texture and dairy.
  • Lemon - There are many possibilities here (INW, VTA, MF, CAP, TPA etc.)
  • Some kind of bakery to back up the lemon and for texture (VTA, FW or Chemnovatic)
  • Sweetness being the easiest part :slight_smile:

I think as @SessionDrummer mentioned the profile should be a nice semi dense, creamy custard.


[quote=“PAPACHiGLY, post:15, topic:4457”]

  • Some kind of bakery to back up the lemon and for texture (VTA, FW or Chemnovatic)

As often as I do this in my own mixes adding a bakery to a custard often turns it into a Bakery . I guess what im wondering is are you trying to get a Custard or a Bakery ??


@Fiddy by keeping that bakery low learning it towards a custard profile.


@PAPACHiGLY, I think having SOME bakery in there, COULD just fatten it out, which is a good thing. You could always use …

Lemon Cream Wafer (Chemnovatic) 7% (7-2-20) – I’m quite sure with all the hub-bub about rumors that Dinner Lady Lemon Tart used this flavor, and the ensuing Out Of Stock situation at many vendors will leave EVERYONE wanting to know the answer. Good news for you, is I have NO CLUE !!! I’ve never vaped DL LT, so I can’t help you. What I can help with is this flavor, and how it vapes. Having just tested Chemno’s Lemon, it’s fairly probable that those compounds ARE in here as well. As a solo vape, this one is very, VERY good. Now, I’m not sure if it truly projects a Lemon Cream Wafer (cookie), but WOW, it IS very good. @ 7%, this could EASILY be considered a One Shot. It’s got plenty of lemon punch that carries through the entire vape, but at the half way point, the cookie starts to peek out, and ride all the way to the end of the vape, finishing perfectly with the lemon. My very FIRST reaction was, “Wow, super great lemon, with a cookie, and some custard notes”. Now when I say custard elements, you’re NOT getting the VC slam like from CAP VC, but it feels like it’s IN there, just hiding, peeking out from time to time. Very interesting. The cookie/bakery stays relatively linear throughout the vape as does the lemon. Sweetness might be a pinch above medium, and doesn’t come across as fatiguing. There was also a certain “thickness” that seemed to be in there, that could RESEMBLE maybe some Meringue or Marshmallow, but not high enough to identify, but the “thickness” could not be denied. Overall, this was a great, full, somewhat complex flavor, and I will run this tank dry. I think it’s soo good, that it will go on my must have list for this testing run. To my tastes, the lemon/custard elements set this apart from all of your regular suspects, i.e. CAP Lemon Meringue Pie, VT Lemon Meringue Tart, and WF Flapper Pie. For a really good (basically a One Shot) Lemon Cookie Tart (my words), you cannot go wrong with this. Vape it as is, tweak it a little bit, it’s just a win/win all the way around. Is this the SECRET ingredient in Dinner Lady’s Lemon Tart ?? Time will tell. For the purposes of this test, handily a 10/10.

… layer in FA Custard (and another) to boost the Custard element(s), then add in perhaps Chemno’s Lemon, and another to perk up, boost, and maintain the Lemon high end.


I’ve also never tried Dinner Lady Lemon. I almost never vape commercial e-liquid, too damn sweet!!.
That Lemon Cream Wafer (Chemnovatic) sounds like a winner though.
I’ve got Lemon Meringue Tart (One Shot) (VTA) and Lemon Meringue Pie (Cap) in my stash.


Well my reasoning for the LCF, was NOT to load the mix up with a bakery, but using it lower to add a nice base with lemon already in there, that could be custard built from there.


Nevans has a lemon custard that yo may like @PAPACHiGLY