Just started my first SFT's

3 - 10 ml bottles of Almond Custard from Wonder Flavours.

1 @ 4%, 1 @7% and 1 @ 15%.

Tomorrow I’ll do the same with Coconut from TFA, and Mike Chocolate from TFA and Peanut Buttter & Chocolate from Purilum.

I also have a NIC FILL of 12% nicotine that says to add 30 mL of flavors to make 100 mL of juice. I’ll do 15% of coconut and chocolate.

Been looking for tfv18 coils and I see there is a single mesh, a dual mesh and a triple mesh. What’s the difference?


If you prefer more af then go for the single. The double and triple will restrict af some but flavor will be more saturated. I’ve always liked somewhat restricted af and chasing flavor.


Oh, I’m all about flavor! Clouds are cool, throat hits are great, but what’s the point of little flavor?! So, if I understand correctly, you’re suggesting a triple mesh, most?

My next challenge will be nicotine and PG/VG but that’s all subjective in experimenting. Correct me if I’m wrong, but more PG than VG = more flavor? Like I say, clouds are awesome, but flavor is what’ll get me hooked enough to quit smoking.

I’m smoking at least 8 Swisher Sweets a day. Probably more. That’s got to be a good 12 mg. 'cept I chain smoke. This is NOT going to be easy!

I’m doing a bunch of SFT’s at different ratios, but I think the mesh may be most important?

Thank you SO much for that info!


Yes @PaulyWalnuts, typically speaking, PG is a FAR superior carrier for flavors than VG. This doesn’t mean you can’t get slamming flavor from a 70v/30p mix, but PG is superior.


I actually don’t use pg other than the flavors pg; pg and I don’t get along well. I mix vg dominant with distilled water in my mixes. Higher pg will enhance flavor but also decides what tank, coil, and af you use. If you like a warmer vape then I would stick with higher vg and up the flavor % a tad and try a longer steep. Play around with airflow more as well. Maybe try just adding 2% dw to your current base and drop the pg by 2% in your calculator. Do not use tap water!


Hmm, I’d like to hear more about your mixing method, Letitia. I have struggled since day one, with throat irritation. SFT test’s are murder, for me(with my Goon 1.5). Many flavors(too many to count) have been a source of agitation, to the point that I use my sub ohm tanks with mesh coils, which helps, to do them. I mix everything 70v/30p(creature of habit). It’s probably time to experiment with some alternative’s to the way I’ve been doing things. PM me if you wish.


I had a few customers with pg sensitivity (when I had a business) I made special mixes for them with mainly MF and Aqueous Glycerine (I used 5% DW as I found that too much made the mix a little too runny and caused leaking in a lot of tanks). Something you may want to try @whthek .

You can buy premixed but I would suggest doing your own.


These days my base is vg salts 6-9mg, 6% dw, vg. I primarily use single coil ss tricore 2.5-3 id, 5-6 wraps. I don’t use tc but I do have a mild nickel sensitivity. Also I just enjoy ss coils better flavor wise.

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Tap water here, will turn your tighty whities orange! I don’t know that I have a problem with PG, just having trouble with the depth of flavors. I made a half dozen 60 ml bottles of dessert’s, and the first 2 got tossed. Going to try a third this afternoon but I’m not optimistic.

One of my boys turned me onto vaping. Hadn’t seen him in 25 years, never met my great grand-kids. Flew them all out to see Jeff Dunham. Took a hit of his fruity flavor and said, “HELL no!” Went to a local smoke shop with him, (there are no true vape shops here) and bought a bottle of brown sugar. BAM! I’m down wit dat! 20,000 people here, and the vast majority like fruits and menthol’s, so there’s few options for my sweet teeth. Oh, and our brilliant politicians decided they don’t want kids to start vaping so you can’t get jack for flavors here. Y’all can just keep on dying!

This time last year I made a half dozen 60ml bottles and they were all great! 70v/30p, average flavoring between 10 and 15%. Nice throat hit. Being the wise old man I am, I said, Hell, who needs nicotine. I can quit on this without it. People quit smoking cold turkey all the time, right?

Couple months later, back to 8 + swisher sweets a day, I let all this alone. A little wisdom arrived recently and I thought I’d try again. This time WITH NIC. Did some googling, how much nic in cigarettes, how much in swisher sweets… Figured I’d start out at 12mg.

This needs to be understood. Smok Mag-18, didn’t know and couldn’t tell the difference between single/dual mesh… Don’t recall which coils I got when I replaced the 2 that came with it. Just that they were TFV18.

And clueless. I was running at 120 watts, af almost closed and hitting it like a joint. Not MTL or DTL. 'Twas good. Just no nic. These new bottles that are like-as-not to get tossed, are all 12% nic. @SessionDrummer suggested I should crank the wattage down, play with the AF and DTL it. Cranked the wattage down to 60, af almost wide open, picked a lung up off the ground and tried 30 watts, af wide open. Picked up the other lung.

2nd bottle same thing. If the 3rd bottle is strike 3, I’m going to add more pg/vg and flavoring to the other three in varying degrees, and keep notes.

As to the SFT’s. Here’s an example of one:

Almond Joy

I want them to steep for 21 days.

MAN I hate typing! My fingers are shorter since I found these sites.


Why are sft’s hard on you?

@Letitia What do you mean by a warmer vape?


More wattage and less af creates a warmer vape. I run my 0.3 2.5 diameter single coil tri cores around 23-27w depending on the mix. I prefer a cooler vape. The rtas I use are always single coil builds and I tend to chase the high notes that bright fruits provide. For yogurt/ cheesecake mixes I usually end up around 25.3w, straight fruits 23.7w. And yes for some obscure reason I lean towards odd numbers wattage wise.


Hmmm. Still not getting it. What’s the difference between cool and warm vape? Oh, wait! You mean like, low wattage = less vapor? More flavor?

No idea what that means. My mod doesn’t have the dB. 1 to 230w.

I guess that makes you a precision vapor.

When I started here, I didn’t know anything. Now I don’t know nothing, but I still don’t know jack!

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