Introducing the GC, Game Changer e-liquid Homogenizer

Gawd… that is freakin hilarious. I about dropped my phone laughing.


Oh shit! My side just ripped open!


When I get the B&D one I will put it together under a camera and put an assembly tute on here for ya. No rush on mine please. I am trying to get everything setup. Takes me a bit of time these days.


I tested that Milo recipe as first mix. Think I’ll be waiting until morning to rip in.


Yeah, now really jelly!
So thoughts? Come on come on! :grin:


It’s still half cloudy, I was waiting for it to clear up.


As little Johnny anxiously awaited news of his bestest friends’ brand new Transformer robot, his hands shake. Finally, little Timmy calls and says “it goes pew pew pew”, and hangs up.


Man I’m so jealous!! I can wait till I get the PM saying mine is ready.


I’ve done that already but in a 15 min video. I guess a shorter video is in order eh?

@anon96069639 I have a question and some pictures. I used the GC and when I was finished and after the ultrasonic bath I saw clouds in it or that is all I can think to call it. Ya know when you put your nic in and then shake or stir it? Sometimes, if not completely mixed you can see the nic inside the bottle kinda floating. That’s what it looks like. Pictures below and hopefully you can tell me what that is and what I should do with it.


It looks to me like scratches in the bottle. The shapes don’t change from one pic to the next, they are just rotated in the perspective views. Maybe I am wrong, but just based on the pics, I see that on the bottle.

Did you scrape the bottle with the GC?


It’s just your nic man don’t worry about it, you’re adding it to a uniform liquid that’s been 100% mixed so it shows (like oily swirls through the liquid), as long as you’ve shaken it enough, as in…what you would normally do after adding nic, it’s nothing to worry about at all, The flavours the important bit and you’ve already dealt with that before hand.
It will disappear the longer it’s in there. :+1:


No, it’s not nic. I don’t put nic in until I’m ready to vape it. It’s not scratches either. I assume it wasn’t mixed well enough but I mixed it much longer than any of the others I mixed up. It is the first time I made more than 30ml. I made 60 ml this time and that must be the reason it took longer.

I must not have mixed it enough… That is the only thing it can be then. I was only hoping one of Y’all had it happen.



ahh sorry man, I misunderstood what you said…yeah you just need to hulk smash it a bit longer man, give it some :wink: lol


Did you allow any settling time? An overnight sit might take care of that.


Hi @Dan_the_Man, What was in the bottle prior to your making that recipe in there? How do you clean your bottles? Could it be soap particles?


It’s all good brother. I was merely frustrated. I appreciate your help.

I did not and I think you might be right there because it was all good this morning. Of course, I did mix it up some more.

Good question but no. I am a paranoid individual and that includes soap on my dishes. Since I am the one who does the dishes I am very particular about rinsing in cold water and bleach especially plastic cups. Sorry for the long explanation… :man_shrugging:


I have the same milky looking streaks in my mixes after using the GCH. run it through an ultrasonic for a few minutes and they will disperse. Settling overnight or for a few hours also does the trick


Calling all GC owners and or users.

Ok, I really want to know what experiences others have had. When it comes to a simple fruit vape, I find that the GC works brilliantly. When doing custards and creams but more specifically any liquid that takes 6 weeks to come into its own I find that it doesn’t quite make it to maturity. It’s good, and it’s vapeable but it doesn’t have that… Depth… and even some fruits take several days after using the GC.

Am I missing something?

I think what I will do next is use the GC and the next day do it again and maybe even the day after that.
Has anybody done this already. Has anybody else had this experience?


I have found in a recipe of Mine " fiddys pink lemonade " it typically takes 3 to 5 days to calm down the harshness , but is ready after using the GC all harshness is gone and it taste like it should without waiting … @Mjag can confirm this


I was testing this last weekend when I made a heavy custard based recipe and vaped it all week. Given a day to settle and it hasn’t changed since. Right from the start the strawberry and custard had blended where I would have expected.

Did a lot of testing in the first few weeks with MF Dark Chocolate knowing it was one of the longest I had to mature.