Thank you!! I was hoping.
Very nicely done Walt
Great vid/review/explanation @SmilingOgre.
A real Game Changing review. Nicely done Walt Mr. Ogre Sir. (See how I always show respect to the Ogre? It’s mostly because he does awesome reviews but partly so he won’t eat me)
Thank you sir, and good reminder. Time to get somebody out of the freezer for dinner tonight.
A tub full of honey mustard is one of my favorite dips.
Cant believe that this is the same like a propper steeping.
Wow, this looks incredible! Awesome job @anon96069639!
Welcome! There’s a growing database of info/reviews about the GC, here at VC. Feast your ears and eyes and prepare to be amazed.
@anon96069639 I have a question; When putting liquid into the Ultra Sonic to dispell the gasses, is there supposed to be water in the UC?
Yes please. It’s the water that carries the ultrasonic waves to whatever you put in it.
Me so jelly!
I think I got it all sussed just wanted to check about the white plastic that I screw onto the dremmel.
Does it get screwed in all the way to the end of the thread?
And this knob doesn’t have to line up with anything?
Stupid question, I’ve never used a dremmel.
Is there a way to lock it so you can tighten easier?
Gee 20 years ago I wouldn’t have been checking.
Does the white sit flush?
Thanks heaps for answering my dumb arse questions
No play, I’m happy! It feels right now.
No worries, hope what I did can stop someone else missing this little thing.