Fix my mix, or Help me!

Coconut and ap both help to improve on the chocolates :slight_smile:
Rather too fond of my FLV… but eh… if it works for one brand, it should work for the rest…


Haven’t been able to get my hands on Milk Chocolate, but we all know the tricks for chocolate recipes.
But the point is that the flavour has to be good on its own, without the enhancing tricks, if it needs changing… there’s something wrong to start with…


I can do milk chocolate flv, or any of the chocolates they have… as solos… nakid… no additives etc…
and be a pretty happy gurl :stuck_out_tongue:


I can’t speak to FLV like @SmokyBlue @Iv3shf, one of the Best (still) Milk C’s I’ve ever tried is from @Pro_Vapes


Is @Pro_Vapes really here, Sd?? where is he, and a few others?? hmm… :smiley:


I don’t think he made the jump @SmokyBlue.



Totally sad… :cry:

about to call the contest for the Nano, @SessionDrummer … I have about 35+ min… :smiley:


Agreed, and I PM him every once in a while just to make sure he’s safe. I did save much of his work, so not all is lost…


Well, I have been in a mixing slump lately and I started mixing with flavor houses that I am not as familiar with. I started to move away from FA. I’ll keep using them and even re-up some of my favorites.

I didn’t like how expensive flavorah was and just stopped purchasing their flavors.

I have since changed my mind on that. At first, I used Flv just like any other concentrate. @SmokyBlue made me realize that I was using FLV. concentrates wrong. I am glad she finally got through to me.

Then @Rocky02852 sent me a couple of recipes that use only Flv. and they rocked the house so I purchased the flavors I need to make those recipes.

Anyway, I was inspired to create a new recipe but it’s a tiny bit dry and I just can’t fix it.

I could use some help.

There will be two columns the first column is the first mix second column is me attempting to make it less dry which didn’t work.

Biscuit (INW) 1% .75%
Yes we cheesecake (INW) 2.5 2% This one I think I’ll put back to 2.5
Horned Toffee (INW) .65%
Shisha Vanilla (INW) 1.2%
Dragon Fruit (INW) 1.75% 1.25%
Custard (INW) 1% 1.25
Premium Custard (FA) .75%
Pear (FA) 1% .5% 1% was just too much I could taste the pear.
Sugar Daddy 10 drops in 60 ml.

I didn’t put Pear in the first rendition at 1 percent it was too much and .5 isn’t enough to take the dry aspect away. So maybe just do it at 1 percent and then bump everthing else up?


Not much I can do to help… but I am sure @SessionDrummer might be able to…
I don’t have any of those flavors! :smiley: :coffee:


I wonder if this part of the culprit? Yes we will give a bit more base when pushed higher for me, toward 3%. I like FLV Sweet Coconut with it and I would lean toward swapping that in for the biscuit.

I’ve mixed the Yes we cheesecake with those custards before and liked that combo. Similar percentages that you have in there, but normally the opposite with Premium Custard being about double the INW. I’ve never used Horned Toffee or that Dragon Fruit.


Wish I could help, but I have no idea what your trying for here :man_shrugging:


@Dan_the_Man I have some of those flavors, and I’m not 100% sure what profile you are shooting for on this one, or maybe just trying to break new ground. 3 creams and a biscuit plus the cheesecake can be hard to loosen up. I don’t have the toffee, so can’t speak to it. Were you using the Pear just for juiciness, and not for it’s profile I’m assuming ?


INW dragon fruit I won’t use over 1 and usually keep it lower, 0.4-0.7. I find it takes over after a steep. I’m wondering if that higher % is giving the illusion of accenting the pear?
FA pear can go up to 0.7 and not be intrusive in my experience.


Dan, how long did you steep the INW horned toffee? It’s a real steeper and I go between 45-60 days of steeping before I can enjoy it. It has in between periods where I taste some dryness, maybe that’s what you’re experiencing.



That is a definite possibility. I used the Game Changer and then let it steep an extra 3 days


Definately a possibility. Hmmm, maybe MF cantaloupe will do instead.


If you have WF starfruit I’d use that starting at 0.3 and drop the dragon fruit & pear both. Personally I believe the starfruit would compliment the toffee better. If you don’t have starfruit maybe a juicy apple?


Ok, I like the sound of that, thank you. I’ll get the starfruit and see what I get. Thank you, this type of interaction is exactly what I was hoping for. :smile: Also, I dropped the biscuit and that really helped the over all taste.

Y’all have stated that you can’t help because you have no idea what “profile” I am going for.
:thinking: I have no profile in mind and never have. I’ve never mixed a “profile”. I just go after a taste I am looking for. Could be the same thing :man_shrugging:


A profile would be considered:


and so on… what you are describing is more akin to cravings… :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know… but I dont think I would want fruit in my custard. Then again… I am the oddball :rofl:
My mom used to always make the stovetop version of custard, whereas I found I like baking my custard in the oven… two different ways, with two different textures and recipes. I still love my mom’s recipe, but half the fun is just playing around.

I’d also want to get the custard as close to what I envision before I add anything else… then I would sit back and think on the add ins. Im not going by manufactures here… because I can’t with what you have, Dan… If it might help tho… think in layers. How you would layer something. Test out your additives as solos… and then combine… and then think to yourself… is this how you would run with the taste idea?
final tweeks matter :grin: