Dripping, mixing and pairing SFT’s

Has anyone tried dripping different SFT’s into the same build to see how the flavours pair?

In theory it should give you a good idea of how flavours work together as a whole, working out percentages after could be a pain but you would know what the dominant flavours would be

Just a thought…


Surely the flavours wouldn’t blend together properly/at all doing this? Just my opinion. I don’t even have a dripper so :man_shrugging:


Great idea if you are good at translating SFT’s to a final mix. Me, not so much. I still have to grab the graduated cylinder and homogenizer a zap a 10 or 15ml batch. But this post reminded me, I want to make something blueberry. Good thing for tomorrow!


I haven’t done this but have thought about it the past. I’m just not an SFT person.

I do intentionally drip two different recipes from different bottles when looking for inspiration on my rda.

I also take a basic mix that has been stewing for awhile and add a random fruit to it the day prior to vaping which works out pretty good for me.


That is a good idea @grubby. I never do that because of the amount of SFT I have to get through. If I started, I’d derail. SFT has it’s place, BUT, in the end, your flavors will PROBABLY end up in a mix, with other flavors, so knowing how they play together is just as or more important.


They could BUT, what typically happens is, when you are soloing a flavor, it is done at a typically higher rate, than you would use it in an actual recipe. So, with that said, if you did mix a couple AT this typically higher rate, it could differ from what you would do IN a recipe. You still might be able to get an idea of pairings however.


Makes sense when you put it like that.


I’ve done this a few times. Along those lines, a few years back, there was a woman who did alot of videos…don’t remember her name. She would come up with recipes by adding drops right from her flavor stash, into a small test bottle, swirling it around and smelling the resulting aroma.


I’ll bet she wasted a hell of a lot of concentrate doing it that way! I suppose we all waste plenty though in recipes that don’t work out.
Especially when we mix up new flavours in a 120ml bottle… with nic…
Noooo…I’d never do that! Honest!


There was actually a couple of devices that came out about 3 years ago which had dual 510’s so you could put an RDA on each and then a top section with mouthpiece so you could drip different e-liquids on the RDA’s and enjoy the combined effect.

I also have a device somewhere that was designed in France which allowed for two different e-liquids to be inserted and you could dial in what percentage of each you wanted in the final vape so say 75% of A and 25% of B or 33% of A and 67% of B ect! The point was to have different nic levels in each and you could increase or decrease the overall nic level through different parts of the day and monitor your vaping habits via an online app but it could be used instead for this pairing flavours at different %'s !


These devices sound like they could be useful for coming up with new flavour pairings.

Going to need pics now Tim! Have fun finding it! :stuck_out_tongue:


Like i say the point of them was to do with nicotine and monitoring via an app, really good, clever device but the problem was every time the app was put on a platform it kept getting banned for being a vaping app!


Maybe…but you’re really only using a drop of ‘this’, and a couple drop’s of ‘that’ to get an idea for a pairing.


True, true.


I’m trying to remember who that was, as I’d swear I’d seen a video of that. Name escapes me. Wasn’t @SmokyBlue was it ? No, she knows her flavors TOO WELL, to have to mix like that.

I think the above method actually takes some skill to accomplish.


Negative, this was about three or four years ago, and she mixed at very low percentages. She helped me to understand that some mixes, as she put it, we’re good off of the shake, but after steeping not any good. So some of her mixes she made in small batches to Vape them within two or three days because of that


Was it Mixtress Rinn or Melody Andrews by any chance?


Similar appearance, but I don’t think so, Jimmy. Damn, I used to have some of her video’s bookmarked, too. I’ve been searching for ‘e liquid tutorials/how to make e liquid’…no luck. I know I’d recognize her face, if I saw it.

I’ve never gotten around to alot of forums…this name doesn’t sound familiar. Got a photo?


I thought you said Mistress Rinn for a second and thought, hey up this is getting interesting! lol


Wellll…she makes batches too, but…ahh hell, I digress :laughing: