Cotton falls in half after vaping for a day…

Get yourself some Cloud 9 or Fuzz… I get a good 2-3 days out of my 22mms RSAs. It comes in one long length, cut length and separate, for duels you can get 2-3 out of Cloud 9 and 3-5 out of Fuzz, but the fuzz you kinda want to compress a bit as it’s a bit looser or fluffier. I think cloud 9 is perfect stuff because it’s compression is pretty damn perfect and I’ve literally tried everything over the years…



Plus you can re-use the tins for scotch mints or whatever type mint you Old Brits like to suck on


Thanks for all your responses.

I’m using genuine cotton bacon and a single kanthal coil.

The cotton is tight and I expect some degradation but it’s happening so quick.

This particular mod is really slow to fire so sometimes I turn the power up for a quicker ramp up and better hit.

I have seen this before with other tanks but not after a day of vaping, cotton is saturated, if anything, i over squonk


That’s incredibly odd, and interesting @Grubby, as I’m pretty much an all Kanthal user. I’ve literally NEVER seen that before.


@Grubby , I found some tidbits on the web, from others with the same issue, some dating back several years! The brand Cotton Bacon came up quite a few times in the conversations. I will say that the only cotton I’ve used is CB, including V1,V2, Prime, and laces…with no issues, even with 15-20 day old builds! Here are a few random comments, pulled from different threads:

This seems to happen pretty often with cotton bacon V2

if you’re using unspaced coils spacing them will help

I found that if I kept inhaling for 4 or 5 seconds after letting go of the power, it really cut down on it, by cooling the coil.

I’ve been having this ongoing issue where my cotton ALWAYS snaps down the middle after about a day of usage, I use Cotton Bacon V2


Not at all, only to those that have not come across it, but it is a thing. Over the years I have come across many threads on various forums with this happening, I actually find it odd how odd you find it, lol! :man_shrugging:


Well @Grubby Ya banned here’s the reason why after reading this thread last night and making a comment I found myself in vape hell today picture this alone in the middle of nowhere (Dymchurch ) in a field pondering your problem.I pulled my cap off the Mongol rda on top of the geekvape squonk both tails nice and wet hmmm I thought put the cap on took a pull and the power dropped off no vapers looked again and guess what two wet tails no longer attached


@Timwis i get this a bit I use cotton gods but the above comment three days about 30 ml though it


That’sa lotta work. Well maybe not, but, how about another brand maybe, where you can use contact coils, and vape like you want with no issues ?


Hehe, perhaps, perhaps indeed @Timwis.

When I contemplate the boxes of cotton I burn through (KGD) in my tests, I can’t believe I’ve never seen it.


Yep like I have mentioned during the thread although I don’t have it happening after 1 day like @Grubby or even it’s an on going thing I do have it happen and never really paid attention to what cotton I was using and if there was a common denominator but for me Can’t be Cotton Bacon V2 because all the Cotton Bacon Brands are about the only cotton I have never used!


Sh*t happens or in your case it doesn’t! :+1:


I think it’s the fact that there’s not a ready explanation to a very weird phenomenon. Without a mouthful of burnt cotton, nothing else seem’s to make sense here.


Same as I only use cotton gods .it’s got to be a sag in the middle wicking both sides till it burns out but can’t get my head round what’s going on with grubby coil


I’ve used vapefly cotton clouds since day 1 of vaping and never had any problem and sometimes I go a week or more without re-wicking. I’ve tried a couple of others but stuck with this one. I intend to try KGD and muji at some point to see if they are better but I’m perfectly happy with this.


The cotton as expected is darker in the centre where it snaps but not burnt!


When ever this happens my power always drops off I re wicked when I got home same coil same juice and away I went no probs


Exactly…I mean, when I strip a build I snip one end off, spin it from the other end, to loosen it, and pull it out. Sometimes having to catch a fingernail on the edge of the coil to keep it from deforming. But it always comes out in one piece!

