Australia bans vaping

You’ve been saying? Hmmm?

Remember friends, been pounding this drum for several years now, it’s not about public health, it’s about profit and population control. Your leaders east to west are not complacent or oblivious, they’re following orders and you’re the carbon they want to reduce.


Senator Canavan is a legend


Out of curiosity, Simon, and not knowing how your gov’t works, why is there only one Senator in that meeting, standing up for his constituent’s, and don’t they hold power over that sham of a committee? I’m not picking on AUS…lord knows the US gov’t is totally corrupt, at this point. Common sense tell’s me that if Aus. or any country wanted to reduce cig usage, with a much safer, and popular alternative staring them in the face, they would be incentivizing it wholeheartedly, and put all of their effort’s into making cigs harder to get. The product’s could be taxed accordingly to retain the necessary gov’t haul from vapes, and everyone would be the better for it.
So, I go back to my previous post in this thread. :arrow_up:


That senate committee is just a fact-finding hearing, Matt Canavan is from the opposition which is made up of a coalition of The Liberal Party and The National Party (Matt Canavan is a member of the Nationals).

To equate our political parties in terms of US politics is a little harder to do but the Coalition is probably a little left of the Republicans and your Democrats are to the right of the Australian Labour Party (who currently have control of the Senate and the House Of Representatives)

Now I have made that even more confusing lol

It pretty much comes down to the (no matter who is in power) Australian Government is more addicted to tobacco than anyone ($15 billion collected in tax last financial year which was paid by only 2 million current smokers).

The number of vapers jumped over the last few years to the point where the Government lost an estimated 3 billion in tax revenue the main reason they are:

  • Putting up the tax on a packet of smokes by a further 5% (bringing the increases to +12% per year for the next 3 years.

  • Going after vaping and trying to shut it down

Trying to not be political but with a vape ban looming it is hard not to be.

Hope that explains it a little better


@whtek both Canada and Australia are members of the Commonwealth which means King Charles is our ceremonial of head of state, with a governor general chosen by our current Prime Minister acting on the King’s behalf.

Similar to the US, federal laws require sign-offs. The house, the senate, and the king.

In Canada NONE of our 105 senators are elected. They are chosen by the government of the day. (There is representation quotas by area). In looking at their names right now I only recognized one, an ex news reporter. They do have a mandatory retirement age of 75.

In my 40+ years in Canada, unlike the US, they’ve merely been a rubber stamp, the odd scandal cheating on expenses, and a waste of government funds. Right now, our senate is 15 members shy of the full 105 (and that’s more than fine by me).


That would make them the same!


Politics here are not quite as polar as they are in the USA more middle-of-the-road.

Republican Light and Democrat Light :grinning: . There are subtle differences between the two major parties but yes essentially they are the same :laughing:


Guess I’m going back to the old stinkies. This TAX is killing us.


I want to buy nic in bulk, but I’m not sure how to store it without it going off. Can I stick it in the freezer and how long will last?


@OldGoat you know FAR more than I do about the full implications of the taxes in SA, but I DO know quite a bit about freezing the NIC.

If you do it right, you will be set for YEARS. I don’t know how much you know, or don’t know, so I’ll get all the basics here.


If you’ve never broken down large amounts of NIC, always use precautions like gloves, even goggles, because with large amounts of NIC, accidents CAN happen. In a pinch, you can do the transfers on a large cookie tray, in case something breaks, or spills, easy clean up. ALSO, for added safety put your bottles in ziplock freezer bags (which you can also date/batch stamp) JUST in case something breaks in the freezer.

“Put it in glass, and top it off with gas”.

The key is breaking the NIC down into as many bottles as you have room for @OldGoat. That way, you only open (and use), ONE bottle at a time, until it’s empty, so not ALL of your NIC gets exposed to the 3 baddies: Heat, Atmosphere, Light.

I purchased low temp freezer’s after talking to a chemist at Nude Nicotine, and keep my gallons down to -35F. Get some quality glass bottles and caps, and divide your NIC up into all of them. ALWAYS leave at least 1.0-1.5" of headspace in the bottle for expansion/contraction. I top off all of my bottles with Argon gas, to displace any air in the top of the bottle. Cap, tape, and date/batch code all of the bottles.

Also, unless you are PG sensitive, 100% PG NIC will last much longer than VG NIC, and is MUCH easier to work with.


We, Norway, are about to join other fanatics, flavored juice ban, net sale ban.
Thank the gods that I have gadgets, nic, and enough flavors for a while.


@hertugen those who prepare are never the ones who panic. :slight_smile:


Even in the UK where our government and heath England have been very pro vaping they have started showing real concern about School children vaping and young people who never previously smoked making it a lifestyle choice because of the marketing and packaging aimed at young people, until the market started getting swamped by colourful disposables with graphics aimed at the young with flashing lights etc everything looked rosy where it came to vaping. Possibly the main reason why my reviewing has come to an end because I refused to review such products so then the manufacturers and venders attitude was well if you won’t review these for us then we also wont send you the other products you do want to review!


Yep, unfortunately we have taken our hobby for granted, that health should prevail against what lay there in the gray area.

That’s not how the politicians see it, we knew how short they were, but we never thought they would start.

It’s a whimsical spectacle with us, when you turn 18 you can buy beer & wine & cigarettes, anything you want, when you turn 20 you can go with stronger alcohol.
And there is talk of trying to legalize certain types of drugs.

But vape is dangerous for an 18 year old, with us without nicotine since they have never been allowed to sell e cig with/nic…


This is really good info.
Thank you so much. I have a friend with a lab that might be able to help with argon gas.


Argon is easy to come by in a cheapish easy to use bottle (USA site is offline right now but I am sure you can find it somewhere else)


I give my Nic bottle’s(Storage, and dispensing) a shot of this every time I make a transfer. Same stuff.


Now it is our turn. South Africa is now the next lot to try and ban vaping.
Please help stop thos bullshit by signing the petition.


Petitions don’t work, they have a goal they’re working towards and it will just be a waste of time, there hasn’t been a useful petition and the only real thing they do is show the support they have in order to stop the movement, because if they see large amounts of supporters they lose money.

Protesting won’t work either, not in these times, look at the freedom convoy in Canada? They held a huge protest with support all over and did it reinstate people’s jobs who didn’t want to get the shot? No. All it did was give the Communists in power a means to divide people more.

Stock up


What a surprise the corruption is coming to light bet any amount of money that it won’t be widely reported in the media - lets try and change that and post it up where you can