[ALPHA] [VCC] Vaping Community E-liquid Calculator - Updates

Create Page

Thoughts on this? Does it work for you? :thinking:


Looks good to me Grub :+1: :ok_hand:


Same here @Grubby


Looks good on the phone. :+1:


Create Page

Recipe Graph will now show:

  • Total Flavour ML
  • Total Flavour Grams
  • Total Flavour Percent

Thanks to @Steampugs for the suggestion :+1:


Something Iā€™ve been meaning to ask for a whileā€¦

Can you make it so that we are auto-logged in to the recipe side if weā€™re already logged in on the forum (and vice-versa)?

Looks good until you get to the recipe portionā€¦then itā€™s blown:

Android 8.0.0 with latest (current) Chrome.


Yeah I made tweaks at 3am which broke the Recipe table on mobile but by then I was shattered, Iā€™ll fix today, thanks

The calculator is using discourse SSO - single sign on - to access your forum details, if I automatically log you in I take away your consent for the calculator to access those details which could cause problems with GDPR compliancy but Iā€™ll take a look, thanks


Current Status

Looks like the calculator is going back in to WIP mode as there is a lot to be done.

Iā€™ll be removing the dashboard temporarily but will be setting up something on the main site so you can still access everything, who knows, I might even keep it that way if it works ok


Recipe Page

New Recipe page header layout

Image Uploads

You can now add an image to your recipe via create / update / adapt

Update Page

The new update page is outside of your dashboard, you can get to it via the edit button on your public recipes, it follows the same layout as create


Morning! Unless Iā€™m wrong(I was once :grimacing:),I donā€™t see a way to delete mixed recipes. Am I missing that,or if not, would you please make that option available while revamping the otherwise awesome calculator! Thank you. I like the layout screenshot! Compact and functional.


Do you mean from the mixed recipes page in dashboard?

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Yes, under My Recipes, recipes mixed.


Ooooh, never thought anyone would ask for that, what is your reasoning behind that?

It was meant as more of a log then anything that needed attention

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Well, Iā€™d like to be able to keep that area tidy,like if a particular recipe didnā€™t come out like I wanted it to,and I make a new version of it, itā€™ll be easier to find it

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I see, have you tried using revisions? It makes it super easy to keep track of recipe versions

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No, Iā€™m still learning about this calc. Call me a creature of habit. I spent a whole day entering my flavors at ATF before finding VC and it seems a bit overwhelming to move everything over here now. In other words to be able to accurately keep track of my inventory


Yeah, to be fair, this calculator is still a massive WIP, so things are constantly changing, Iā€™m trying my best to get everything done as fast as possible but there is a lot and I mean a lot, to do.

So, when you update a recipe you automatically create a revision (previous recipe before update) recipes with revisions have a ā€œRevā€ at the end of the recipe name in ā€œMy Recipesā€ clicking that will show you old versions which you can reuse.

Also, when updating, you can click the save button at the bottom instead which will create a new version of the recipe prefixed with Rev-n where n is the version number of the recipe, for example:

Strawberry Custard when saved becomes Strawberry Custard Rev-2

There are also recipe backups, if you accidentally delete a recipe you can get it back by going to ā€œRestore Recipeā€ and clicking restore


I appreciate your honesty. Iā€™m going to continue to monitor your updates and in the meantime, try to learn more and experiment with it. Thanks!

I have a friend who codes/builds action games and have learned how time consuming it can be.


I would enjoy people just going on and clicking around, break something if you want, it will help me in the long run.

At the moment, Iā€™m back at the beginning, slowly working my way through everything and making sure it all works as it should, refactoring code takes a while when you have over 20k lines of it :sweat_smile:


Oh yeah not too mention, I have to test every change:

  • Signed In
  • Signed Out
  • On mobile

Takes me a whole day to change one page usually and here I am thinking of refactoring all the core functions :crazy_face: