From what I’ve seen or read, the yihi chips are quite popular. I’m wondering what it is that makes them so popular and if they are comparable to DNA chips? They will not come with replay as that is a DNA feature, so what is it that makes them so popular?
Accuracy both reading resistance and power output and excellent TC! When TC first became a thing (we haven’t always had TC) It was first Evolv with their DNA chipset followed by YiHi, since then all other manufacturers of Chipsets have copied TC (almost always the Evolv version) with various results from some getting close to some devices with TC the TC just doesn’t work as it should although as time as gone by that is rare and TC on most mods works at least reasonably well!
The difference with YiHi TC is instead of also setting wattage when in TC YiHi instead uses Joules which is a unit of work! I actually prefer YiHi for TC but rarely use any standard TC settings, I prefer DNA for the Replay feature and designing themes!
You also have Dicodes which some rate as the very best but in the US and UK not many use Dicodes devices but in Europe and in South Africa (on Ecigssa forum) Dicodes are very popular!
So basically, there’s no reason for me to try anything other than a DNA chipset if replay is what I like?
Why change if it ain’t broke!
It most definitely ain’t broke. I was just wondering if yihi, or any other chipset, offers anything comparable to replay on the DNA chip.
YiHi are beginning to concentrate on programmable curves and apparently on their new flagship mod G2 (V2 of the G-class) they take curves to an whole new level! But with YiHi devices they produce multiple chipsets so don’t all work or are navigated the same way!
So, if I like replay mode, there’s no point in me trying to buy a hadron 220? That’s pretty much what spurred this thread into action. If the yihi doesn’t offer anything comparable to replay, there’s no point buying into it? Or do they have some epic feature I don’t know about? TC doesn’t interest me btw. Replay all the way!
No it doesn’t have anything like Replay!
Alright. that settles that then! No hadron 220 for me!