Wonder Flavors Tasting Notes -- SessionDrummer

You wouldn’t happen to have anymore of these sheets for other brands?


There is one for flv but it is a little wrong for some - from memory @SmokyBlue @SessionDrummer have one for flv that is more accurate it is linked on the forum somewhere.
Anyhow here is the one from flv some are a little too heavy-handed (jammy berry for example should not be used over .5% imho)



It’s interesting to see what different percentages there are for individual flavours. I personally have a somewhat damaged palette and therefore don’t taste flavours at lower percentages very well. I also use MTL gear and though it is reasonable quality, it is still different in the way it presents a flavour compared to higher wattage devices.

I usually like the “years old recipes” that @SessionDrummer alludes to, and when I try to drop percentages I do not get a satisfactory taste from them. But then, that is the rub. We are all so very different in what we like, how we taste and how damaged our olfactory senses are.


Do you also find you need strong flavours when eating and plenty of seasoning else things are quite bland?


Most times yes. Chilli and home made curries work well for me and very rich, almost decadently deep, flavours in desserts…


Sounds like me, talking about MTL i am testing the Hellvape Vertex, it’s rather good!!!


Flavour amount varies greatly country to country - for example uk peeps like a lot of flavour and I think it is due to the spicy curries etc - using lower flavouring consistently trains you palette a little to detect lower flavouring . Same goes for sweetener (if you use it) - when you stop using as much you will find that you stop using it all together eventually


I agree, from the ones I know well. Extremely close to where I use them in a mix :tada:
And thanks you reminded me to check the new ones were available. So I ordered them all :crazy_face:


Thank you for doing so much of this testing! I jumped on the WF line almost when it hit Bull City. You have saved me countless dollars and frustrations with your WF and VTA reviews with your taste and mine being similiar. I’ve used the same TFV4 for so long that it’s like the SteamCrave is for you. Other than the Cerabid bit too many tanks taste right to me. Thanks again, I have some more WF in the cart now I’m going to order on your reviews.


Thanks a lot @Madbricky_Craig, I’m glad we have similar tastes. It always means a lot to hear that, thank you.


@SessionDrummer thank you so much for all you do!!! These flavor reviews are priceless. I noticed some of your reviews on Bull City website as well. I bet you have some good recipes. I’ll have to look out for them. Lol. I’m struggling trying to build my own recipes and I have a pretty decent amount of flavors. I think that SFT testing is the answer to building recipes. I’d imagine as your testing flavors, you get an idea in your head thinking this would taste awesome with this other flavor. And in my mind that’s recipes are born. Lol. I’ll get there eventually, hopefully. Thank you again for your time and being a valuable resource for the community. :two_hearts:


Thank you very much @MsEmotions, very kind of you to say. I do publish recipes, but I have a hard time letting go LOL. They’re just always ALMOST done.