Wicking cotton prices

Thank you @whthek, @CloudHugger and @SessionDrummer for your welcome and for any information that you were able to provide!

How very odd. Earlier this year when many were panic buying over the impending bans, I actually called Wicknwape, because all of the online retailers were quickly running out of stock on Cotton Bacon Prime. I usually don’t recall names too easily, but I actually do remember speaking with Danielle back then, and she clearly stated that they were shutting down operations that very week. I assumed because of the bans and the word ‘vape’ in their name.

Thank you @CloudHugger for contacting the company. Wow… what a revelation. Perhaps they had a change of heart. Either way, I’ll be calling them tomorrow and get a definite answer.
Fortunately, I was able to grab 24 packs from an assortment of online retailers.


I think they closed down their retail (online) store, but not their wholesale sales.


Cotton Samples from Butch “Cotton Man” North Carolina!


These were sent last year and every single type of cotton was different in it’s behaviour with regard break-in, how well it held liquid and even how long i could go between re-wicks! Cotton is no different to most crops there are many different varieties, so cotton is not all the same!


Man @Timwis, that’s a hell of a sampler !!!


They took some testing! :+1:


I didn’t suggest it was. I mentioned one specific product.

I’d rather use a product that has specifications and guarentees re:

Do you have similar information for those brands? Any kind of promise that they’ll be the same next time?

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A comment which was not aimed at anybody or anything anybody had said, just thought I would make that clear to everyone in the thread, no idea why I was quoted (well I have) but all good!


I find it to be the other way around. Most cotton branded for vaping tastes like „wet socks“ to me. It’s whitened, nothing natural about it. There are two that I can tolerate, one of them being Cotton Gods, the other Super Sorb. But usually I use Puffs Cotton Labo pads, not bleached or whitened with H2O2, no off taste or break in.


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