Looks like a nice little piece of heaven, happy you have a nice space to grow things. It’s oddly rewarding to grow plants and vegetables
Very peaceful @jose.
It’s lovely. There are usually a lot of butterflies on the walls too.
I didn’t know bees could land on water. I bought a swimming pool for the dog. A bee landed in it and I was just looking for something to help it get out when it flew away again.
Just having a drink I suppose.
So far that’s been the only animal using the pool.
The dog just stares at it. Even throwing a dog biscuit in the water didn’t make her go in.
I made a bacon cheese burger with an over medium egg on top… MURICA
There’s a leafcutter bee making a nest in the ventilation gap on the outside of my kitchen door.
I have never heard of leafcutter bees before. I saw one a few days ago wriggling inside while holding a piece of leaf.
I was stoned so I thought I might just see things that aren’t there. Yesterday I saw it getting in there with a piece of leaf again.
It was too fast to get a picture of it. Shame. Good old internet has a few though.
I think she has finished plugging up the hole.
She always entered on the left side so the whole length is probably full of little compartments with an egg in each one.
It would be nice if I could see through it. Hopefully I see them come out next spring.