What Has Made You Smile Today

Oh no -that’s far too tame for this beastie.


Nothing to see here:


Finally finished making a custom Franciscan tau cross:


That’s beautiful!

44.9 on the scale today. That’s two kilo’s up since December. For me that is spectacular.
I feel like a :pig: most of the time.


Well done. Hopefully you’ll feel more energetic each new day.


Man, I bet 3mg must shoot you to the moon


The moon is my permanent residence. That’s why I know shit about what happens here.
It’s pretty tranquil on the moon.

I feel not so wobbly any more. I have some more confidence when walking.
A lot of weight I lost is muscle tissue. I can’t eat that back on, so I’m glad I can get some exercise again.


That’s not a joke image either, they sell them at Canadian Tire



So, does ‘weed’ grow out of his head, Joel?! :smirk:


I’m not sure, not a fan of the stuff…. I once had a weed gummy and I ate a whole 150mg dose having no tolerance with it and I guess that should’ve been around 4 attempts. I spent around 3-4 hours thinking I was dying and then when I started to sober up I baked a frozen pizza at 15-20 for 400 minutes


I got another one of these. I should’ve know better by now and changed my filthy ways. That’s how I lost all that weight TBBH.
Now I have to go around and blackmail other people to get that money within 48 hours.
@SessionDrummer @whthek @SquirrelSmash @JoelSq I’ve got access to your camera and microphone…
You know the drill.
There are a couple more. You know who you are!

Hello there!

Unfortunаtеly, thеrе аrе somе bаd nеws for you.

Somе timе аgo your dеvicе wаs infеctеd with my privаtе trojаn, R.A.T (Rеmotе Administrаtion Tool), if you wаnt to find out morе аbout it simply usе Googlе.

My trojаn аllows mе to аccеss your аccounts, your cаmеrа аnd microphonе.

I have successfully gathered all of your documents and personal data, including information regarding all of your account accesses.

You truly enjoy checking out porn websites аnd wаtching dirty videos, while hаving а lot of kinky fun.


And I have аlso discovered documents or evidence of your criminаl аctivity. Should this informаtion become known to others, you would fаce sаrious problems аnd likely fаce incаrceration.

If you still doubt my serious intentions, it only tаkes couple mouse clicks to shаre the video аnd your crime documеnts of you with your friends, relаtives, аll emаil contаcts аnd on sociаl networks.

All you need is $1696 USD in Bitcoin (BTC) trаnsfеr to my аccount (Bitcoin equivаlent bаsed on еxchаnge rаte during your trаnsfеr).

After the trаnsаction is successful, I will proceed to delete everything without delаy.

Afterwаrds, we cаn pretend thаt we hаve never met before.

In аddition, I аssure you thаt аll the hаrmful softwаre will be delеted from your dеvice.

Be sure, I keep my promises!

If you аre unаwаre how to buy аnd sеnd Bitcoin (BTC) - Google: Where to buy Bitcoin (BTC), to send аnd receive Bitcoin (BTC).

My Bitcoin (BTC) аddress is:

Yes, thаt’s how the аddrеss looks like, copy аnd pаste my аddress, it’s (cAsE-sEnSEtiVE).

You аre given not more thаn 48 hours аfter you hаve opened this emаil (2 dаys to be precise).

Everything will be cаrried out bаsed on fаirness!

An аdvice from me - regulаrly chаnge аll your pаsswords to your аccounts аnd updаte your device with newest security pаtches.


@Jose wow he’s really got your number.


At least he’s fair …


This one cracked me up too. Apart from fair, he’s also concerned.


Please allow me some time to pass this along to my ‘friends’, so that I might recoup
losses from this situation. :smirk: And, I never have the camera faced toward m…whoops…I mean… :innocent:


The scammers will continue to increase until the power grid is still up, the powers that be are working on that.


I have the best webcam security on earth. No webcam, or microphone.
As for all my photo’s and other shit that are going to be removed from my iCloud if I don’t take immediate action, that is, according to numerous emails, I don’t have that either. :woman_shrugging:


I can’t count the number of times I’ve thought of getting rid of the damned phone(tracking device), Jose. The only reason I keep it now, is, to be there for my elderly Mom. I feel so fortunate to have grown up before the world became ‘wired’. If there were still roadside phone booth’s, I could live with that.


Unfortunately you can’t go without one in this society. I still primarily use my phone for phone calls and messages, just like I did with the dumb phone.
I would’ve liked to keep my dumb phone, but after they did an ‘upgrade’ on the network years ago, it basically stopped working.

I do most things online with the computer. I get shopping delivered to my house, which you can only do with an app on the phone, and I already resent that.
I’m not really capable of lugging shopping around, so…

I got this app tracking device on my phone from duckduckgo. People who think they’ve just downloaded a harmless game, might be surprised by the number of attempted break-in’s from various companies through these apps.
Google for instance is very persistent.

I don’t really do anything on my computer either. Apart from this and the other forum, playing Wordle mainly, I just check my mail, pay my bills and I play my music on it the entire day.
Occasionally I look something up that peaks my interest. I rather read a book than watch a movie, and I’m not even remotely interested in the shit spouted in the media everyday.

They can get on with it without me. I like to keep smiling :smile: