What do you hate?


People are claiming they happened with farm equipment and sparks from ATV… 22 started last night with no lightning… Explain that one COINCIDENCERS


This has been interesting


Man oh man. Guys, is this becoming the NEW normal ?? I hope not …


Wilmington Police have identified the woman shot and killed by police on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, in Chester, Pennsylvania, as 23-year old Yazmyn Stewart.

Officers were attempting to arrest her in connection to a December shooting when she fled in a car, colliding with several Wilmington Police vehicles as she drove out onto northbound I-95.

According to police, Stewart crashed the car at the I-95 off ramp at Market Street in Delaware County, exchanged gunfire with Delaware State troopers, then carjacked an SUV.

She then rolled the stolen SUV at the Kerlin Street off ramp in Chester, crawled out of the wreckage, and broke into an occupied home.

She took the homeowners car keys and stole their car.

As she was driving out from behind the home she drove in the direction of police officers from several agencies who had converged at the scene. At least ten officers, including five Delaware State troopers and three Wilmington Police officers opened fire. Stewart was pronounced dead at the scene.

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This article is fake because his interview didn’t go like:

caff Caff “Yeah, I was vaping on my Uwell Crown tank, sitting on top of my Geekvape Coco… Had mango banana blast in that one…3mg… Then I was vaping on my Purge mod’s Mech with a Valhalla RDA with a frosted cap and gnarly twisted claptons… Had Cherry blitz in that one… The reaches over in my Squonker, Penguin Vapes with a howitzer RDA I had this with some… Dulce De Leche Ice Cream Cereal Donuts from Squeegee Vapes, that’s my All Day… 6 Mg because I like the throat hit…”



Every time I read these scare tactic stories it makes my blood boil as there is always a very small part about the user vaping cannabis liquid (most probably illegal and containing lipids) but it’s always skipped over very quickly with the emphasis and blame being squarely placed on the normal vaping of e liquids. It’s so bloody infuriating knowing full well that the ignorant (which is the target audience) will read this rubbish and start spreading this bullsh#t near and far which it is designed to do. I just wish people would wise up and see through this dangerous propaganda with it’s smoke and mirrors tactics.


Very agreed @JimmyLee.


I guess biden will get OSHA to make 80F an extreme heat index for outside workers which will go after farmers


Just a friendly reminder that the UN/WHO are a bunch of Malthusians that want us all dead




LOL, what could go wrong ?

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Maybe that’s the point.



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I woke up Monday morning and had a dead left arm and hand but took no heed to it thinking that I must have led on it wrong and that it would soon come back to life. Roll on two hours and it was still the same with little sensation and I could not flex my wrist or fingers upwards or use my thumb so I called my doctors, they told me to phone 111 who told me to get to the nearest A&E immediately so I did. I was treated for a suspected stroke and had a CT scan with dye injected intravenously (it gives a warm feeling like you are wetting yourself lol) numerous blood tests and chest X-rays that all came back negative for a stroke thank God but I still have to have a MRI scan just to be extra sure. The diagnosis is that I have got something called Radial Nerve Palsy which basically means that I have damaged or pinched the nerve that travels from under my arm and down over my forearm to my hand and fingers and it can take anything up to 22 months to heal completely but the biggest problem for me is I am left handed so Sods Law strikes again but I am so grateful that it wasn’t a stroke :pray:. At the moment my hand is doing some crazy things when I try to use it as if it doesn’t belong to me and I have it in a support until I see the physiotherapist and am fitted with the correct splint which has an outrigger on it. For some reason all I seem to find myself worrying about is how I am going to do my wicking so I might have to revert back to the dreaded stock coils for a bit but I am still going to try and have a go at it, who knows I might be doing it with my feet by the end of this :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
This took me an age to type with many mistakes using my right hand so I doubt I will be posting much but I will be about.


Speedy recovery Jim, and about the dyes… Yes, I’ve had those quite a bit with all my kidney issues and the thing that hits me the worst is it feels like I’ve shit myself. It’s so uncomfortable.