Creating and managing recipe groups

What are recipe groups?

Recipe groups are an easy way to organise your recipes into manageable chunks for quick access.

There are 4 default groups:

  • All
  • Public
  • Private
  • Adapted

Your recipes are not moved to a group, when you “copy” a recipe to a group an association is made with that group, your recipes will always be in the default groups.

You can add the same recipes to multiple groups

Removing a recipe from a group DOES NOT delete it.
Removing a group DOES NOT remove your recipes, it simply removes the association to the group.

How to make a group

Go to your recipe page

At the top you will see the controls to create / remove groups

Click on the Create Group button - type in the name of the group and click Create

group 2

Select a recipe or recipes (use ctrl + click to select multiple recipes) DO NOT change pages, click the checkbox in the table header to select all on the page.

Group 3

When you select a recipe(s) you will see a button appear at the top of the table called Copy Selected

Group 4

Click that and you are then presented with a modal to select a group, select a group from the dropdown and click copy

Group 5

Your recipes should now have an association with that group, signified by a purple folder, hovering over that will tell you what group or groups the recipe is in

Group 6


@SessionDrummer @FlavorChaser Hope this helps :+1:


it sure does…thanx xo


Very smart !!!


I just noticed on a Laptop, if you want to check multiple recipes, after you’ve clicked the first one, you need to hold down the “ctrl” key to select additional recipes.

Another tip, if you want to highlight a running group, you can check the first one, scroll down to the last, and hold “shift” and then check the last recipe, and it will highlight all between the first and last you selected.

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@Grubby love that the folder designations are shown in the recipe view …


Glad you like it. It was a must with how it works, ie. not leaving the default groups, you need to know what recipes are in what group(s), that was the simplest way of doing it


Well I gave your structuring a LOT of thought @Grubby. To be fair, when I was scrolling down my countless recipes, I had to learn how to select multiple entries, long strings of entries, etc. but did. I found it easiest to view 100 at a time, and select whatever needed selected on that page, then copy all that needed to be copies, then move on to page 2, etc.


How are you finding the groups as a whole, are they doing what they need to?


Yes. So far, just doing simple copies, but am going to test with multiple folders/groups for a recipe to see how it works.

About the only tedious thing I can think of is the initial copies. Now perhaps I don’t have a standard amount of recipes, and more than most, but when you are trying to copy multiple recipes across multiple pages (you can only do one page at a time), you loose track of which ones are left to be copied. One at a time clearly solves that issue.

No issues thus far, as all copied, copied fine, and show up with that group/folder name in the recipe list.


Hmm, hide recipes in groups as a filter could be useful??


Let me think about that for a bit. Hovering over the folder icon in the main list is helpful, as it showed ALL folders/groups the recipe was assigned to. Let me think about the hiding, and/or what that might solve.


Hiding would be good… happy you did groups, @GrubbyI can see a big use for them! :slight_smile:


@SmokyBlue explain your thoughts on “hiding” as I’m trying to visualize it.


Like a filter… if I search for bread, I would expect nothing but breads… fruits, same thing… etc…
Like a search, but hiding what is not a “key” word.


Just a Lil thing I’m wondering… If there’s a way to move a recipe right out of the mainstream of my recipes… I realize that if I’m looking for something in particular I can go to that file… But if it was removed from the main page of recipes would clean that up …if it’s not possible that’s ok just wondering if that can be done… With over 120 oneshots alone it gets messy… :joy: