Vaping Community E-liquid Calculator - Bug Reports

@whthek… I checked my mix just to see… Make sure I didn’t have something wrong


Thanks for that Zippy! All appears to be well, now. @Grubby fixed what appeared to be a system brain cramp! :+1:


Ok got some screenshots now, looks like 2 updates and 3 revisions (or 2, not sure) to this recipe. Got me what the updates or revisions are :man_shrugging:
Am I doing something wrong? I see the order of the flavors have been moved around, IDK

Also the hovering over the update thingy doesn’t work for me on phone or iPad, but I don’t have a mouse so maybe different on a PC :man_shrugging:


Yeah you can’t hover on mobile devices.

Any updates to your recipe will increase the update count, whether it’s a simple name change or adding something etc

Any updates to flavours or percentages will create automatic flavour revisions this includes fixing invalid flavour names.

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Yeah, I think somethings wrong with the autorevisions @Grubby. I checked a recent recipe, and now I see a NEW private version revision ?? Nothing’s changed, same flavors, same percentages, it just showed up.

I also noticed that the REAL recipe, shows multiple autorevisions as if something has changed, yet nothing has ??

ONE (as @Rocky02852 mentioned) it appears the flavor order was changed ?? Same percentages, and ALL the remaining revisions, are in the same order, same percentages ??

I have no clue what is going on or why, but something seems amiss. I guess I’ll just have to go back through my recipes, and delete out all of the eroneous private auto revisions.

I’m starting to wonder if all the “revisions” are really a plus or a minus here.


It looks like we are saving it multiple times (circled are the same recipe)

My bet is that rev #5 is the same as the current revision

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Can you delete auto revisions ? Fill me in :ok_hand:

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And 17 Updates? I need to see this why :man_shrugging: It’s like going into the kitchen at a Chinese Restaurant, not very appetizing

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I think some of those were testing new text formats, then colors, then images then url’s and layouts. Guess that counts as a new revision ?

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Guys stop stressing about the auto revisions for now let us find the bug if there is one and then sort it out.

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LOL @woftam you have me confused now. I think I edited the text, formatting, colors, layouts, etc, but never changed the recipe. Why did it save it as 5 different revisions ??

I’m confused…

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the % are different if you look 14% 14.4% then 14.25 but if you see the ones next to each other are the same just re ordered.

Rocky i would say a recipe that has had lots of revisions is probably better than a recipe with 0 since there has been some tweaking. But as I said right now it is of no consequence.

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The flavour revisions are only visible to the owner as well.

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@SessionDrummer sorry there is a little more to it than %

1 & 2 are the same
3 & 4 are the same but you added fa butter from v1 & 2
5 is likely the same as your current version but you cut the fa butter down from 3&4

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Well I do remember dropping the butter a bit…

In regards to the #17 on that recipe.

Correct adding a full stop to the notes will increment that number but not give you an auto flavour revision changing a flavour (adding one or changing a %) will give you an auto flavour revision

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The auto flavour revisions are the version BEFORE you made changes.

For example: You make a recipe, you then change / add a flavour or percentage, the version BEFORE the changes is saved. It is working as intended.

Updates are ANY changes made to a recipe, if you are confused about that just ignore the update stat on the recipe page.

Thanks for the reports


@Grubby, could you explain this a little ^^^ ?? I noticed that some revisions were created somehow, but there actually weren’t any changes, BUT, the flavors seem to get re-ordered ?? Is this by design ?

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@woftam your help is always appreciated, but I know where @Rocky02852 coming from. Much of this appeared to be in error, and I think all of the revisions, updates can be confusing.

I’m still trying to figure out how I ended up with a new private saved revision.

I have since deleted the eroneous Rev. 2 that had been created.

At some stage (probably when they were the same colour) you hit the create recipe revision button
