Went down to the Town centre today to grab some eliquid from the only B&M in the Town, stopped in to the local Asda to grab a drink and noticed they had increased their e-liquid lines so I thought I’d grab some to try out.
I’m down to two and I’m finding that there’s not much I like about nicotine. Not enjoying the throat hit anymore and it churns up my stomach as well. I think it also diminishes the flavor. Soon I will test that with a batch of zero nic.
I went to zero nic for a few months back in 2015 I think. I knew it would take a while for the body to adjust to not having the stimulant, but after a few months I still lacked my usual energy. So I did go back to 3mg. I still wrestle with giving it up entirely. I probably will, maybe, I dunno. Someday?
The reason I wrestle with it is because I was probably only 6 months into vaping at the time. So I do not know for absolutely certain what was sapping my energy levels. It could well have been natural body adjustment weaning off the analogs. So I think I will have to sneak in a 0 batch and see how it goes. Hope I don’t rip someone’s head off.
@Grubby and @anon96380778, I am beginning to believe that my addiction is more centered around the sensation of drawing something into my lungs, holding it, and breathing it out. I really want to test this. I’m not convinced that nicotine is a major part of my addiction. Only one way to find out.
I just tried 0mg recently and for me, vaped way more and felt myself getting irritated pretty quickly and got to the point where it just wasn’t doing it for me… 3mg is the sweet spot it seems.
Sounds like a great time to grab CosmicTruth’s calculator (and your PG/VG) and do some number crunching to increase the yield (and drop the nic to your target level)