Thoughts about keeping/storing your SFT mixes for later reference

Do any of you do that? I’ve begun testing some of my latest purchases, maybe 2-3 per week, in my 30ml Boston Rounds. For me this might be helpful, instead of trying to write down what it is I’m tasting, I could go back and try it again when considering a particular concentrate for a recipe. Obviously there would be many that you are familiar enough with, to bypass but, for flavors…well, like the 6 Cherry flavors I’ve recently tested, for instance. I’m thinking it would be handy to keep the tester’s around for awhile to maybe see which ones might compliment the other in a mix. Or, with the 2 Cookie Butter flavors from different Co.'s…TBH, a month after testing them I am not going to remember what the differences are!

Writing down what the particular attributes or shortfalls of any given flavor are, is not one of my strong points! So, I’m just curious…do any of you do that?


First let me CONGRATULATE you, on doing Single Flavor Testing. It CAN be a chore, but it really IS the best way to see what’s what, even decipher mixing percentages, even log nuances, that would easily never be known by just tossing into a recipe.

As far as storing them, I know you know, I can’t do that, BUT, I do a lot of testing. I do see some value in it with your description of why. I think it’ll really depend on how MANY flavors you will attempt this with. In my case (nutjob), I don’t have enough bottles LOL.

Fair enough, and it’s actually hard for a LOT of people. Even if you THINK you might not be good at it, I would still strongly recommend trying to do it. Some times I get an attribute when just MIXING my testers up, other times, it’s the FIRST thing that hits me, or even something that only occurred AFTER the cotton had fully broken in, or even something that I found at the END of a test.

Even if it seems like gibberish, just put it down. You can always redo, delete, write over later, but you’d be surprised what happens when you just write it down, AS you think of it.

As far as compliments, I do that all the time, BUT, I do it by smelling the bottle of flavor.

Ultimately @whthek welcome to the wonderfully torturous world, of Single Flavor Testing. Do what works for YOU, and great thread.


Umm, yeah, I was thinking about you as I wrote! Can you say ‘warehouse’ :laughing:

My frame of mind is to keep them hanging around just until I’ve put together a successful recipe, or two, using said flavor(s). After getting fully acquainted with, and locking that flavors’ properties/usage rate’s into my noggin’, to literally…rinse, wash, repeat. :grinning: I don’ know…the idea popped into my head today as I looked at the dozen or so tester’s on my desk.

Noted(no pun intended)

Thanks SD :wink:


I mix most of my testers at 30ml, even the SFT ones. This allows me to see what they do over time as a lot of times they change for me.

That said, I don’t have a huge amount of newer flavours on a regular basis so this is not a logistical nightmare like it would be for SD.

I test after 24 hours, then weekly until I forget to, then whenever I remember until bottle is finished. A lot of mine are custards, creams or cheesecakes so the time taken is usually warranted.

Not a bad idea to keep some longer term, especially if you have the room, as I find some really change over a longer period of time. Taking notes is something I would recommend too, even though I don’t. I just keep track of what I like as I will not repurchase ones I didn’t so note taking would be pointless in that regard.


Good points, all!

I’ve already, this evening, added some notes to some of the ones I’ve tested. Right here at the VC Calc., under inventory. They are shit notes, but I’m taking the first step, Ian!

So, this is my new plan then…I’m not the only one who keeps tester’s around. Thanks for chiming in :+1:


Dude, I have more testers laying around that I don’t know up from down. I re-test them once in a while and sometimes mix several together to see if I like it.


Guess it’s time to empty another drawer out, to make room for tester’s, lol. Thanks for the feedback, sir. :wink:


I should mention the fact that I have issues with throwing things away. I totally can’t. LOL


My Dad(rest his soul) being a product of the Great Depression, kept alot of things as I was growing up, claiming ‘you never know’ if you might need this someday down the road! I keep ‘things’ but check myself regularly as to whether or not I’ll actually ‘need it’ someday, or if I’ve just got some of my Dad in me.


Good, good, good @whthek.


For a second there I thought I wrote this… :grinning:


I have been SFT alot lately it really does help but it really is a pain in the ass, and I am having the running out of bottle issues. I have ordered alot more5ml and 10ml bottles and 3ml for when I have alot of a mix I like and want to add to it so I try small amounts in different ingredients like this one im doing now one with bakery spice in it then same recipie but with black pepper in that one. Bakery spice is so strong but its soo nice!! And its winning!! at the right% it could be a great thing to have for spice lovers.


I guess what it all boils down to, is that making the decision to test our flavors is a frame of mind! We know the benefit’s of doing so, but your body can’t go where your mind hasn’t been(or something like that).

An analogy: One of the times, years ago, that I put the cig’s down, just stopped cold turkey because I had started dating a woman with asthma. She was happy, but I was friggin’ totally amazed on how it had been so easy to do. My body went where my head led. TBH…I’ve been dipping my toes into SFT for a few months, but nothing to write home about :zipper_mouth_face: Now, I’m full steam ahead :laughing:


I personally think this is a great idea but for those with fewer concentrates, even i would just not have room to store all these SFT for future reference so unless @SessionDrummer is planning on buying a private island for him and others going over the 1000 concentrates mark it’s a non starter.

But i wish i did have the room because even if making notes i would get more value from tasting the flavours rather than referring to notes!


Hehe, I HEAR you @ladycrooks.


Just as soon as the wife clears it.



I do most of my SFT in 10ml, and usually just finish them off. I buy the cheap 10ml bottles in bulk from Amazon and just throw them away when done.
As far as keeping notes, not much on single flavors, usually know what I can do (or not do) with it once I try it, I keep LOTS more notes on recipes in development (change this, up that, try this etc.)