So, I was gifted CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl and CAP Chocolate Glazed Doughnut.
Any suggestions on how I could use these two flavours?
CDS is pretty good (although I haven’t used it in forever) 3% max will give you a decent Cinnamon note not super overpowering I prefer at around 2 -2.5 but it will depend greatly on what device you are using.
Lookup Rupert’s Jizzle Dizzle (other place) for an old school mix of a pretty reasonable Cinnamon Jam Doughnut. (last time I made it I subbed the strawberries that Rupert used with
Strawberry (SC) (Real Flavors) 0.90%
Sweet Strawberry (CAP) 4.00%
which was a little better for me it is a pretty long sleep time (i have never homogenised it so not sure if it makes a lot of difference or not)
Chocolate Glazed Doughnut for me is best used at 0% I get a very strong playdough note from it with dry chalky chocolate. A lot of people like Wayne’s Bronuts do not count me in on that it really wasn’t to my all.
2 weeks or more the Cinnamon needs some time to settle down some
Jelly candy was a go to awhile back for a jam add but there are a ton of flavours that can be used now - it was more of a jolt to give you some ideas.
Before buying Rich Cinnamon-FLV, which I use with CDS for my custard now, I used to use Cinnamon Roll-FW with it. The cinnamon note is fairly strong, but nice, and there’s some of the Roll there, too.
Has anybody tried Chocolate Cream Concentrate (HS)?
I am looking for a good Chocolate and have not had any luck yet. I don’t want to buy something again that only ends up disappointing me.
Hangsen had a number of good flavours, I had quite a few at one point and the only one I could think of that I enjoyed was either called Pumpkin Pie or Pumpkin spice because it was the only one out at the time that didn’t suck. Don’t know if that has changed at all
Oh they had a really good Italian Cream flavour too.
@whthek I feel that FW Cinna Roll is an underrated flavor.
Yeah, Honestly, SD, I’ve decided to close the door on any new flavor’s. It’s gotten a bit overwhelming, choosing from 15 Vanilla’s, to make an eliquid. I remind myself that although I continue to enjoy mixing, my goal was to get/stay away from cigs, and I’ve got plenty enough choice’s to satisfy my palate, including some of the older release’s, such as the Cinna Roll-FW.
Yeah, I find after doing this since around 2015 I just stick to around 100 flavors of a wide range and mix profiles I like, have a few on hand and ingredients for the rest. I’ve grown to know what I like and those profiles will suffice with some variation, but I do eyeball some recipes now and again and be like “I need espresso and honeycomb” but can’t bring myself to pull the trigger as that could be a half pound of ground turkey.
@OldGoat I have in recipes and it’s pretty good like their Australian Chocolate flavour. The very best has to be Medicine Flower Dark Chocolate but if you would rather buy something that doesn’t break the bank then I find Molinberry Glamour Chocolate to be excellent.