Restricted lung hit rda?

So I have been looking for a restricted lung hit/loose mtl single coil rda for squonking, something I can run in the 20-30 watt range with a heat flux of 275 and get decent vapor temperatures. I was originally thinking the wasp Nano or the berserker rda, but after researching them the wasp definitely sounds like the airflow is too loose and needs a bigger coil, and the berserker seems like it might be too tight, I am also a little uncomfortable with the idea of the airflow inserts being plastic. The vapefly galaxies sounds good, but I can’t find it from an American vendor, I hate waiting on China lol. Any other single coil tight airflow suggestions? Maybe the dead rabbit sq?

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I don’t have the little dead rabbit, but I thought it was a single coil MTL RDA and I’ve heard good things about it. I have the bigger rabbit and it’s pretty good (obviously not MTL though)


It is single coil, but everything I have read about it says it’s not tight enough for mtl but it’s a good restricted lung hit


I see. Well, I’ll check around with some of my MTL friends and see what they like.

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Here’s some from my MTL bud that is exclusive to MTL and has been for years. Some of these may not be available anymore, I dunno.

My favourite 3 MTL RDA’s are NarDa,Hadalay and 13/9 closely followed by Le Concorde, Beserker and the Templar.

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Well the berserker is on the list, I just worry that 20-30 watts might be too much for it, especially since the airflow inserts right under the coil are plastic

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I ended up ordering the berserker and the wasp Nano lol with my luck the airflow I’m looking for will be halfway between the two lol


Berserker RDA or RTA???

Edit: I found it, looks good but can you drip from the drip tip??

I’ve also got the Berserker MTL RDA on the way as well as the Pulse 80W squonker, so am hoping that the setup will give me what I’m looking, which is a MTL Squonk.
Interestingly I already have the Wasp Nano, and really love the flavour I’m getting from it using the old Pulse Box Mod. However it does not have the draw that I am looking for in an MTL RDA.


I drip from underneath…wait that sounds bad…I plan to use it on a squonk box lol