Good Morning All - When I first started vaping, I bought 4 juices from the Milkman line - Strudelhaus, Crumbleberry, Moonies, and Vanilla Custard, and I was immediately hooked on Vanilla Custard. In all my recipe database and forum searches I’ve never seen anyone even attempt to clone this juice. I have heard that the creator (Vaping Rabbit?) has been extremely protective of the recipes, but the company is now out of business. I loved the graham notes that I tasted in MM VC - can anyone help with a clone of this recipe? Or is the recipe such a basic VC w/ Graham that it’s been done a million times? Thanks in advance for your help.
Have you tried Yellow Matter Custard? You might like that or get an idea on a mix. recipe here and ATF.
@lukeloop thanks for getting back to me, and I’m lmao at the top of my lungs right now, as I just mixed a 10 ml tester for the first time (with a couple of subs, I hope you don’t mind - CAP Custard Cake for FW Yellow Cake, FA Madagascar for DIYFS Holy, used Cosmic Truth Calculator to adjust). Smells delicious, steeping now, can’t wait! My rough impression though is that MM VC may have likely been based on Capella VC, from other recipes I’ve tried with FA Custard Premium. However, MM VC is the only vanilla custard I ever bought, and it’s been years since I had it (been DIY home mixing ever since), so my experience is limited. Again, can’t wait to try your recipe - I’ve certainly seen that it is very highly regarded, so congratulations in advance.
Wow, I’ve never had the MM VC, and maybe wish I had.
The last time I encountered someone looking for a graham cracker custard recipe I told them to try this one. He did try it and reported back to me that it was awesome. Just substitute Shisha Vanilla for the discontinued Holy Vanilla.
Thanks for that @JasonE, as I’m a graham AND custard fiend.
@JasonE Thanks for the tip - I’m going to mix up a tester w/ FA Madagascar for Holy Vanilla and CAP Graham Cracker V2 for V1. I’m also going to try a Kreed’s Kustard version, which has been, to date, my fallback VC recipe and swap out some of the CAP New York Cheesecake for TPA Cheesecake (Graham Crust). Thanks much for the suggestion - I’ll report back.
@JasonE, just out of curiosity, how did you embed the Graham Cracker Custard recipe in your post reply? Thanks in advance.
Simply post a link and if it can it will one box it
I just pasted in the URL
@CaptainKirk like @Grubby said, if you post a link on a clean line it will embed/one box.
I know from experience, sometimes ELR recipes add a question mark at the end, breaking the embed.
Here’s a clean link with the question mark stripped out.
And after Grubby’s forum software works it’s magic on it, the same link becomes …
Also make sure the link is on it’s own clean line, not like here, in the same line with text Check cookies
@Grubby @JasonE @SessionDrummer thanks for the help-along. Got it - own line, no extras. As you may see, I made it work.