Recipe Suggestions

I have been working on this recipe for along time. At least 2 years. And for some reason even though I have almost every Maple flavoring, I just cannot get the Maple Flavor to stand out like in the actual cookie. The cookie base is Ella’s Shortbread Biscuit which is just a great buttery shortbread cookie. I use FLV Frosting for the cream filling and have tried different maples to flavor the cream. Does anyone have a suggestion for boosting the maple flavor? I’ve thought about using something like FW Butterscotch Ripple or FW Waffle Cone to boost the maple notes.

Acetyl Pyrazine 5% (TPA) 0.50
Biscuit (INAWERA)1.50
Frosting (Flavorah)1.00
Maple Deluxe (TPA) 2.50
Maple Syrup (Acero) (FA) 1.50
Maple Bar (FLV) 0.50
Shisha Vanilla (INAWERA) 1.00
Sugar Cookie (CAP) 4.00
Vanilla Custard (CAP) 2.00

maple cookie


I’m seeing that you’re over weight on the Maple flavorings, @McDuckie
IMO…remove Shisha Vanilla, Maple Bar, and Maple Deluxe. maybe try using the Acero around 1-1.5%, and add Devon Cream at 1.5-ish%. And, if you want a darker syrup flavor, a touch of Brown Sugar.
I’m thinking along the lines of authentic New England Maple Syrup. Anyway, this is my 2 cents :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you I very much appreciate your opinion, yes it is pretty heavy on maple, but FA maple @2% is pretty light on my palate. It’s almost like I’m maple blind when it comes to vaping. LoL if that’s even a thing. That’s why I thought of using a waffle or pancake flavor because they seem to emulate a maple vibe better than say FA Maple.
I mixed up a small batch (5ml) with Butterscotch Ripple and Maple it seems to give a slight boost to the maple. Maybe I’ll try a straight bitterscotch or add FLV caramel or ultimate brown sugar for a boost of brown sugar like you suggested.


What about a bit of VT Golden Syrup?
The only maple flavour I have is WF Maple Syrup Candy, used it a couple of times but not in bakeries.


Are you trying to build this recipie for a pod, mtl, or wide open vape.

I agree…seems to be a bit over on the ap’s and maples.


I only use RDA’s anymore and the only mix max VG. Yes definitely gonna have to limit the maples I’ve found that TPA Maple Deluxe @1.5 and FA Butterscotch @1% gives me a fairly strong creamy maple flavor. I may need to work on the cookie base as it seems to be lacking.


Thanks for the suggestion I did give Golden syrup a few thoughts but to me it’s more of a nondescript corn syrup type flavor. It may be good to use to sweeten the maple layer if I need it.


Looking at the mix I wonder if the custard is jacking up your maples and have subsequently increased your maple percentages to compensate.

Why add the custard? If you are trying to shave hard edges maybe 0.5% fa fresh cream or other neutral cream. If added to boost implied butter…maybe just a touch of fa butter rather than custard.


I was trying to use my favorite shortbread recipe as the cookie base for this recipe. Apparently Ella’s Shortbread Biscuit is great by itself but doesn’t work with the maple flavor.


Maybe sub ssa clotted cream 1-1.70 for the vanilla custard?


I think you can still make it work, Dennis…the AP, Biscuit, and Sugar Cookie are the profile base, right?! Have you tried building your Maple note off of just those three, and then proceed as @ChrisPDX says


I think I may have found the perfect fix for the maple cream cookie recipe. I was vaping a old bottle of my Don Juan Reserve Remix and remembered that I had used FW Vanilla Butternut in that one for a light nutty/maple note. It’s a light/med cream with nutty/maple notes so it won’t mute but may improve the maple flavor. Also what Chris said got me thinking about adding butter so I changed INW Biscuit to JF Biscuit as it’s even more buttery than INW. I also lowered the AP by changing to VTA Acetyl Pyrazine which has better flavor at lower % than TPA.

Acetyl Pyrazine 6% (VTA) 0.25
Biscuit (Flavor Jungle) 1.00
Butterscotch (FA) 1.00
Frosting (Flavorah) 1.00
Maple Syrup (Acero) (FA) 1.50
Sugar Cookie (CAP) 4.00
Super Sweet (Purilum) 0.25
Vanilla Butternut (FW) 4.0

I’m going to steep for a day or two and see what happens.:crossed_fingers: I may change the ss to VTA golden syrup as a sweetener.


That is a cracking flavour :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Yes it is, I’m smitten. Until ssa creams came along I didn’t care for most creams.


I feel the same way about Devon Cream-CCW, @Letitia which, on paper, is the same product just popularized in a different part of England as I understand it. Have you tried/compared the two?


No I haven’t but have read good things about it. I haven’t wanted very many flavors I can’t get stateside so haven’t ordered from Chefs or the nom(?) sites.