QP Designs and USA VC members:

Maybe you already know the following info, maybe not. I got burned with duty fees a few years back, and have been leery about doing business specifically with Canada since then. I need some glass and orings for my Fatality M30, so before checking out, I reached out to them to see what’s what with fees…given they have a disclaimer on their site stating any duty fees a customer might get hammered with, are their sole responsibility. I was pleasantly surprised to learn the following via an email exchange with them(in part):

Hi Brian,
Thank you for contacting qp design.

The only way to ship glass, gasket kits or decks are in a small box to avoid damage to the products.

If you are located in the USA there is no duty tax on our products for orders under $250.00

Thank you,
Customer service/Support
QP Design.Inc


I’ve always had a pleasant experience ordering directly from QP. Still loving my juggerknot mr rtas.


Their site states “New Products Coming Soon” Looking forward to that announcement!


Their gata I think it was called was a phenomenal tank, almost as good as the old youde goblin minis


HiYa @whthek ,
Your post prompted me to visit the QP website where I saw they have straight glass for the Fatality M25/Remastered back in stock. Ordering tomorrow! Thanks a lot for the “head’s up!”


If you’re only half as clumsy as me, make sure to get at least a few, :rofl:
Glad it helped, @CaptainKirk :wink: