Pugsley weighs up the Ultroner x Fallout Vape Gaea 200w Box Mod

It very well could have been. IMO, it is the best way to go about it. It’s a waste of time and energy to do a review on something you don’t like. Unless that’s your schtick. (Jaye haze). Not only that but you could review the worse piece of garbage and tell the world why, and you will still get idiots telling you it’s the best device ever and that you are the worst kind of human for lying to the whole world.
For your purposes, I would think if it sucks your not gonna put it in your store so what would be the point? Pure speculation on my part here.


it’s just…with me, to do what I do the way I do it, I have to feel something for whatever it is, there’s gotta be a hook, an edge, that I can use to get passionate about writing about it, even sometimes when the device is actually a good one…but there’s nothing really impressive about it?..man I struggle, I can sit staring at the screen for hours before something comes to me. It never used to be like that, but the more reviews I’ve done the harder it is to come up with something I haven’t said a thousand times you know, you can feel like a stuck record. If I reviewed everything I was offered I’d have quit long ago :man_shrugging:


Well, you ARE getting older now… :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Great write up as always brother Pugs! Reading down through the thread, I wouldn’t worry about your credibility. You do a fine job of qualifying what you think and why. I know I’m preaching to the choir but after one runs through 100 mods or so, one starts to get a feel for the overall industry and that must be taken into account. Peoples preferences are very diverse and there’s no way one is going to nail everybody’s perception. I often think about the G class. Damn fine mod. However, I bounce the side of my thumb off the fire button and it seems every other time I go to vape it’s in standby. User error, yes, but I rarely pick it up.


so true

I understand completely. That’s why I stopped writing reviews and switched to video reviews.