Orange Creamsicle - Community Collaboration

I had pretty much forgotten about this project. I kept saying I was going to get back to it soon, but the procrastination monster attacked me in my sleep too many times, I got scared. :slight_smile:

Actually I was thinking about this project last weekend. What you posted Dec 20 is basically identical to the idea I had next. That the low use of INW Shisha Orange is nearly perfect, but the Juicy Orange used really low would probably give it the tiny bit of ooomph. My idea was more like 0.05% SO and maybe 0.1% JO. I’m going to mix that today and give it a good 3 weeks steep. I remember back in November that 0.05% SO was going to be my next mix but I never got to it, so I’ll do one like that and one with SO.

That’s not to say your percentage isn’t where I’ll end up. May be but will start low and stop when I think it’s right. Thanks for the share good sir.


Please let us (me) know what you end up with. I’m sure the recipe can be fine tuned more and become better yet. From your lead, I was thrilled with what turned out. I had tried something similar in the past and it simply does not compete.


I had figured this project/competion had been put to pasture. So glad to see that the search for Elusive Unicorn has not been forsaken with all the other things been going on in life! The second recipe that @SmilingOgre had shown that he was waiting on(assuming bottom recipe DEC20) flavors for, vs the first recipe there–“to my surprise is pretty good”? which one is pretty good? so confused.


The second recipe is one a cobbled together because I did not have the two orange flavors in the first. I was surprised the the one I made, the second one was as good as it was having made substitutions.


Correction to my other post.

It wasn’t Shisha Orange and Juicy Orange I had thought about. It was Shisha and Royal Orange Juice (FA). I had used it in a previous iteration at 0.5% and although it’s a tasty flavor, it was too much and too realistic of orange juice. But…I think at very low usage it might compliment the Shisha Orange nicely.

I kicked the procrastination monster in the balls. He has surprisingly small ones for such a big beast.

Then I mixed these two recipes and now just the wait.


You know, I’d given up using EM some years ago, preferring instead to sweeten with TPA Marshmallow or CAP Super Sweet if I need more sweetness. Reason being that I and many others found EM to mute a lot of flavors, especially the upper notes. Its very effective at rounding off or softening flavors. But after reading your post and remembering this additive, I may just have to try that in my next Orange Creamsicle attempt. It may well be exactly what I’m looking for.


These are the last two I mixed. Neither are there, but both are quite close.

I’ve given them ample time for the longest steeper - VIC - to fully develop. Ok, I’m going to add 1% EM to these and check again in 3 more weeks. That should give the EM time to do its muting thing-a-ma-bob. More to follow.


Ok, so who is going to check out the new WF orange cream.




Here you go, try this one. Check cookies


Wow, I’m really surprised to find my recipe for DevelopedWF with altered percentages. I bet this is delicious!


March 16 SirMixAlot released Tiger Stripe on ELR - yes it does have licorice in it. On March 20 , FlavorChaser also released a similar profile called Tiggerz Tail on VCC. On YouTube Day Time Frank mixed his Ride My Creamcycle in a live show April 18th - recipe read out here MITK After Dark Let's Have A Fun Nite! - YouTube at the 1:39:15 mark. @dampfer78 it is probably coincidental as these flavors are good together. I still give you your entire credit. Your recipe looks great.


@lukeloop Luke it’s private… hit the share private link.


He removed it due to the issue to avoid any concerns.


You can hear it being done in the youtube video though.


The addition of EM in my last two attempts didn’t have the desired effect I was going for, and so I have come to the conclusion that none of the orange flavors I have possess that exact flavor I’m seeking for an authentic Orange Creamsicle. But really I want to get this recipe nailed (for my tastes anyway) and I may pick up some of the WF Orange Cream to experiment with. Will be placing a flavor order in the next month or so.


River Supply is offering 50% off on Monday… they are closing for B2C… go figure…


What’s that?


Business to consumer. Ok, nevermind on that one.

It’s hailing outside. I’m a wee bit distracted. Wind is eerie and skies blackish.

From what I understand they aren’t closing. They have split their company up (website) with riversupply being for businesses and nicotineriver for consumers. I think.

EDIT: I took a moment to check. Seems I might have had that backward. So they’re done with us…the “little people?”

Flavors, PG and VG aren’t even banned. Like you said @SmokyBlue , go figure.


Let me know if you need any orange type flavors, @SthrnMixer and I can always hook you up with a new shot or 3 too :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

yeps… us little people… we rule!! oooh lala!! :smiley: :rofl:

I got zero hail… just a bunch of wet stuff… feeling better, still weak but a good dinner and sleep, will be on my scooter tomorrow… meep meep!! :rofl: :beers: