New (SSA flavours)

Do you find it has the banana runts flavour? I know it’s called Sweet Banana but I was wondering if it means sweet as in sugar sweet or sweet as in another word for candy? I don’t like the taste of those foam bananas (runts) so I’m trying to avoid disappointment if I purchase this flavour.


Not at first impression, I haven’t SF it only used it in that mix above and a new one today. It is on the artificial side but seems to blend well with creams. It’s not like I’ve got chunks of banana in it or runts floating more like it’s flavoured the cream, hence why I think it reminds me of banana quick.

The other new SSA Banana (Real Ripe) smells more natural, but I haven’t tried it yet.


Thanks @marsh8, that’s a great help.:+1:t3: