This Recipe is just too obnoxiously tasty!
roflmao… Im dying laughin right now, @Rocky02852
who knew… with those flavor combos… what a genius you are!!
You even made me mix it up!!
Just testing out the New Features
You’ll love it Smoky! Rocking it at 48Watts, heavenly
I got it going on in my Nano right now… and have to say it’s better than my cranberry cobbler I tossed together… nopes I won’t post that recipe… it did not turn out like I wanted, so will toy with it a bit more.
I have to say, you did good!! I am proud of you!
Just gunna move this @Rocky02852 just so we can keep tabs on the reports section
Yeah NP @woftam, I just saw a new button and ya know I like pushing your buttons , sry for creating more work for ya
Well that really puts a smile on my face Smoky
and have to give you credit for ALL your help with the FLV line, couldn’t have done it without You!
Looks really good @Rocky02852.
He’s gonna have me mixing it up! I can’t even remember when I felt the urge to mix something up.
And it’s not even tobacco
I have everything except vanilla pudding and no, I’m not buying it
Yah think vanilla custard would do instead?
Yeps… it will work, @Jose so go ahead and sub out… using the same amounts
Report back haha!!
I’m going to mix it too … It looks very very good… Thanks @Rocky02852
Hope you went big on it, @gus-gus
I just had enough vanilla custard to make v1, had to resort to Cap for v2.
I’ve lowered that to .8 and added .6 marshmallow TPA instead.
Not all FLV girl, not even the same recipe anymore, but it might be nice anyway.
Time will tell
I have mine mixed now, as of last night…
Will give it another 2 days to settle.
Did not change anything on the recipe, but I did go with v2…
My inner nut says slow it down
Hmm, I though you already mixed this one Smoky
But Yeah, the V2 is my favorite
Think that was the v1, Rocky…
Im not sure… I think it is a tie!!
I just remembered! Today day 1 has been steep for 7 days … This afternoon I try it!
Mine been steeping for over 5 weeks now. Even though I had to sub for the v2, it is the better one.
Yeah I’d say that is the consensus, and I would have to agree as I have mixed the V2 three more times myself
I’m surprised how good it is actually. I’ve been vaping both versions for 29 days now.
Don’t get overly excited about this bro, you have to keep in mind that I’m the lazy type and will automatically reach for what was in the tank in the first place
On the + side, if it had been disgusting, I wouldn’t be vaping it now.
So kudos to you.
It’s quite funny, because I’ve been walking the dog in a very muddy park, vaping Muddy Boots in Muddy Boots