MTL RTA's - Best Flavour?

Pleasure mate. :+1::woozy_face:


That’s very Purdy… :heart: Glad you found a tank that you enjoy… :grin:


@Grubby I like to bring the Flash-e-Vapor 4.5s+ into the game. With all the Airscrews you can really good customize your draw. There are plenty of clone choices for it if you’re not going to spend the +100 Euro for it.


That looks good, is it top fill and what posts does it use?


I have a question. What build are you using in the Berserker v2? This thing so far is giving me all kinds of fuss with flavor. I have never had this sort of issue with a mtl rta. The build deck looks like the Hellvape MD and I have greT results from that thing. I have been using mtl rtas for about 3 years now and I have never had this issue before. Everything tastes so muted.

I had another rta actually that gave me headaches, LittleFoot mtl rta, what a hunk of crap that thing was.


Hey @JessQuits. Interesting you get great flavour from the Hellvape MD MTL RTA. I actually don’t like it much.

Did you ever have an OG Berserker RTA? That is still my favourite RTA and my daily user.

What build are you using in the Berserker V2 and what temp or wattage are you running it at?


I wish I would have grabbed that instead of the v2. I had one years ago that was stolen by a coworker. I liked it. I had it when I had the ammit mtl as well. Those were both great rtas. I am going to have to find one. I have so many, ares 1 and 2, fumytech rose mtl, berserker v2, hastur, galaxies rta and rdta, hellvape md, brunhilde (love it but it has sadly been abused my me and is dying), etna rda, ammit. I love my old kayfun, but do not like the newest offering. When I bought the berserker v2 I really researched all that I was considering and was sure it was going to be a good fit.

For the hellvape I usually build it with a slightly bigger coil than my other mtl rtas. I currently have a 24g kanthal at I think 6 or 7 tightly spaced wraps 3mm. The hardest part for me with this one was not pulling the coil closer to posts.


I have tried everything from mtl Clapton wire in nichrome, ss, kanthal. Also 24g, 25g 26g and 28g round in all metals. I have tried it at all different wattage. Everyone else seems to love this thing except for the cap, I like the cap.


It’s a small ni80 fused Clapton, 0.75ohm
I find the cotton placement is key having it sit just in the wells with the cotton slightly above the bottom of the well otherwise it won’t wick properly, air bubbles seem to be an issue with this tank. The sweet notes seem to be muted a bit but I expect that from the small chimney, works good for me though.


I am going to try the nichrome fused Clapton again. If it doesn’t work this time I will probably give it to a friend or something. I really wanted to love this thing. I should have gotten the berserker mini like I initially was going to.


You could try wicking it like an RDTA and have the cotton go right through the holes into the tank, make sure the cotton is loose enough for the juices to flow but tight enough to stop leaking


@Grubby It’s a „Mid fill“ , so kind of bottom fill, but the chamber stays together.
Just cleaning mine, so you can see it.
Top, chamber (with steel wicks - dripping on the wicks) and deck with 510 connector.
image image


Late to the party and late to finding this atty really. I’ve always vaped MTL on and off with limited success. Around six months ago or so I bought a couple of mtl atties for the wife. She really tried but never took to vaping so I inherited them. One was a Berserker Vnothing which is better than any I have bought for myself. The other was a Gate. WoW!!! The gate (ambition mods) produces some serious flavor. I don’t think I have a DTL RTA than can challenge this thing. Of course it seems to be out of production although I did get one of the last ones today from VaporDNA. Another “sleeper” device that is amazing to me.


For the ones which try to get hold of an original. They are still available at Fasttech:

Both in the TPD and non TPD version with 3.5 ml.


What build do you use in the Brrserker V2? That atty has given me more trouble than anything else I have used. I consider myself to be pretty damn decent at building and wicking as well. I mastered the stinking rebuildable tank in the squid squad and that thing needs a precise coil and perfect wicking to perform the way I wanted it to. The Berssrker V2 is my nemesis at this point. I use the stock drip tips, I build it like I do the hellvape.