Anyone tried a Mohawk Alien before?
Not me. I did find a much cheaper coil site in the UK yesterday though.
They even sell nice shiny ones especially for the Titan!
Not much choice to be honest and price on par with X-29, A few on X-29 are pricey but they are for a reason and TKD don’t do them!
Yeah there ain’t much but the price is pretty good imo. Not that I’ll be buying any.
There is a pair at £20 on page 3, imagine them in your titan!
Which ones?
Ah yeah, I see them. Have looked at those before actually. £20 is a bit steep though for 2 coils, don’t you think? Only 3mm ID too!
Their coils are very reasonable so there must be a good reason why them particular ones are that price!
One of these days I’ll try and make my own wire…one of these days.
Yeah I tried Mohawks, didn’t care for them myself. Might still be in one of my atty’s, will have to dig around…
Think they look cool but heard they give a hotter vape than standard Aliens so won’t be for me!